APPI 2 Explore
FAI ippi 2
APPI 2 Explore pilots are school pilots improving their skills and knowledge on their way to becoming an independent pilot. At the learning flying site and under instructor’s supervision, their are capable of flying from the take-off to the landing zone in stable weather conditions.

To enroll in an APPI 2 Explore Pilot course, the student must: Be certified as an APPI 1 Discover pilot or be holder of a rating equivalent to FAI's IPPI 1. Have the minimum age in accordance with local rules (Federation/ Civil Aviation/ Army, etc), and have the authorization of a parent/guardian if of minor age.
The training includes theoretical knowledge about weather, mechanics of flight, air-laws, piloting and equipment. Mental state management and self analysis. In the field, its about improvement of ground handling skills, high flights and mastering of safety procedures.
To validate APPI 2 Explore pilot qualification, the student must: Have attended a minimum 10 days course in total with a certified instructor. Have Completed the theoretical exam, ground handling and practical tasks described in the APPI logbook in the APPI 2 adventure pilot section. Have logged a minimum of 10 high flights under instructor’s supervision (signed in the logbook).
APPI 2 rating is issued by an APPI profesional owner of at least APPI instructor rating, status "in progress"
An APPI 2 Explore pilot may only fly under instructor supervision with radio communication. During high flights APPI 2 Explore pilot must carry certified emergency parachute.
APPI certification awarded to a pilot is internal to the APPI organization and shows no particular right in the country where the activity is done unless APPI certification is recognized by local authorities. Check with them if such an agreement exists.