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Caution : Any member who intentionaly provide false or biased information will be suspended


APPI professional membership is offered by APPI Association to qualified individuals. APPI will consider your membership subject to the following terms and conditions :

  • 1/ I have become familiar with all APPI-related Program educational materials. I agree to omit from certification or course completion registration any student who does not meet all the prerequisites and performance requirements specified for any APPI related Program,
  • 2/ I agree to provide APPI with true and correct student/participant contact information, including the student’s proper mailing and e-mail address, when I submit or validate any certification authorization or participant registration (online application/registration, ID card and validation) for any APPI-related Program to APPI. I understand and agree such information regarding an APPI program shall be the property of APPI and the submitting member,
  • 3/ I acknowledge that paragliding and paragliding instruction are mentally strenuous activities and that it is my personal responsibility to maintain the necessary level of balance and fitness in order to involve myself in paragliding instructional and supervisory activities. I also acknowledge that should my mental or physical condition or health change, rendering me incapable of meeting the requirements paragliding instruction and supervision, I will cease my instructional and supervisory activities until I am again capable and, if necessary, cleared by a medical examination performed by a licensed physician,
  • 4/ I will not discredit APPI or its affiliates or associated companies, nor cause any action that will create a liability to them. APPI will have the sole right to determine whether any of my actions violate the intentions of this paragraph,
  • 5/ I will file an APPI Incident Report Form with APPI for any incident relating to my activities as an APPI Member of which I may become aware that may have or potentially may have harmed myself or another individual,
  • 6/ I understand and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are effective and binding from the day I started and for subsequent years of my membership with APPI. Should APPI modify this Agreement, I will be notified in writing of the changes prior to the next renewal,
  • 7/ I understand and agree that this Agreement does not create an agency relationship between APPI and me. Except as otherwise provided in this Membership Agreement, APPI has no control over or involvement with my day-to-day operations and activities and bears no responsibility for the same,
  • 8/ I understand and agree that APPI Membership is granted at the sole discretion of APPI, based upon its unilateral determination of several criteria including, but not limited to, whether acceptance and continuation of any membership is in the best interest of APPI. Satisfaction of minimum requirements does not guarantee membership. APPI Membership, at any level, may be revoked by APPI, at its sole discretion, at any time,

APPI has Logmarks to indicate the source of origin of its and its related services and certifications, so that the public will be protected ; and so APPI individual members, students and others associated with APPI will receive the highest-quality services and products pertaining to paragliding. To provide APPI Members with the ability to advertise, promote and indicate the source of origin of the APPI services, and certification they provide, APPI Members are hereby granted a license to use the APPI logomarks on promotional materials only, specifically printed, film or video formats, and software, fixed media, such as floppy disks, hard drives or CDROM, or any interactive digital or broadcast media or methods, including, but not limited to, internet or world wide web sites. The single exception to the terms above is that, with specific, written authorization from the respective licensed APPI Center or School, may place the APPI globe Mark on their facility staff shirts, in very limited quantities. Such shirts may not be resold in any manner, and each such printing must receive separate written authorization.

The license shall not extend to the provision of other printed materials, such as manuals, books, instructions, clothing (except as noted above) or products or any other materials whether or not they are manufactured, sold, distributed or licensed to others by APPI.

This license extended by APPI Assoc. shall only be with respect to (1.) Printed advertising and promotional materials, (newspaper and periodical advertisements, telephone- directory advertising, handbills and signs, except for staff shirts, as noted above) ; (2.) Film and video format promotional materials such as television commercials, slide shows or promotional videos ; and (3.) Software, fixed media, such as floppy disks, hard drives or CD-ROM, or any interactive digital or broadcast media or methods, including, but not limited to, internet or world wide web sites, with such uses governed by the most current guidelines, as may be published by APPI from time to time ; none of which shall include use on any item or product intended for resale.

None of the APPI logomarks may be used in internet domain names or e-mail addresses. The foregoing license for advertising and promotional use shall in all respects follow the exact format, character, general appearance, type style, background and proportions of the Marks originating from APPI. In no case shall the logomarks be combined with other marks, symbols, language or be in a format and appearance other than that actually used by APPI. The full trademark must be used ; truncated or partial use of a logomark is not authorized. This license shall be personal to the individual member and shall be nontransferable, non-divisible and not capable of being sublicensed in any manner through any party. None of the APPI company name, trade name or logomarks may be incorporated into any other trademark or trade name. Notwithstanding the foregoing, APPI and the licensed APPI Centers and Schools shall have the sole right to disapprove of any promotional materials prepared and shall be the sole judge of the criteria of whether it meets the standard of this license agreement. To this end, any suggestions or requests by authorized members of the APPI staff as to the usage of the logomarks shall be complied with as soon as possible to avoid mistakes, deceptions, dilution or other problems that would be detrimental to the foregoing logomarks.

Regardless of the foregoing license, APPI individually and cooperatively, shall have the right to institute and bring any suit or any other action necessary to protect the logomarks as to any person, firm or corporation now or prospectively using the logomarks or any similar marks, derivations, analogs, trade names, fanciful scripts or designs. This license shall extend for the term of membership and shall be terminated forthwith upon termination of the member’s membership with APPI Assoc.

Product No. 1020 Version 2.0 © APPI 2020 / 2030