Non commercial tandem
FAI ippi 6
The APPI Non-commercial Tandem (NCTP) rating is the first step towards APPI Professional qualifications. You want to learn a safe way to share your passion of flying, the APPI tandem course is for you! This pro-course is open to mature pilots that have APPI 5 advanced pilot qualification or equivalent. At the end of the course, you will have solid knowledge about tandem operating, procedures, gear and attitude. You will also have a minimum of 10 tandem flights as a pilot under the direct control of an APPI instructor. There are 2 steps for a full non commercial pilot qualification, see description below in training.

To enroll in a tandem pilot course, a pilot must:- Be over 18 years of age,
- Submit proof of First Aid training (Red Cross or other rescue organization equivalence),
- Be certified as an APPI 5 Advanced Pilot. If the pilot is not APPI 5 certified, he should be able to prove that he fulfills all APPI 5 advanced pilot requirements ( including: experience in paragliding of more than one year, 200 flights,100 hours on 10 different flying sites, advanced SIV, XC, etc... see details here) and pass a preliminary theory test,
- No previous tandem experience is required.

Tandem pro-course typically takes place over 12 days. Duration may vary upon decision of the instructor. Mandatory a minimum of 10 tandem flights as a pilot under direct control of the instructor must be performed in the frame of the tandem pro-course, if the weather does not allow it, the pro-course may be extended until the number of flights is completed.The training includes a refresh of advanced theoretical knowledge about flight mechanics and piloting, weather and rules. Full review of specific equipment for tandem operating, gear ageing inspection methods are given, as well as mental state awareness, pilot’s and passenger emotional control. On the field, emphasis is put on safety procedures and specifics of tandem handling.

Theoretical exam 50 questions level “APPI tandem” 80% success required. Exam is taken online with the APPI exam tool. Practical exam Maintenance Glider trim control. Procedure Pilot presents his personal written procedure and briefings developed according to APPI standard. Flight Two flights in tandem as pilot. Impeccable briefing and safety procedure (according to the pilot’s written procedure). Time between passenger intake, and ready to take off less than 20mn. Master one takeoff technique (direct or reverse) and able to perform the other one. Glider visual control (look-up), decision, acceleration, trajectory control are safe. One descent technique. Timed maneuvers: figure 8 (inverted 360) 30 sec glider stabilized, spiral 720° 25 sec glider stabilized. Neat U shape approach, min 4 sec straight final, land on foot no fall inside a 40m diameter target. (2 times). One joker flight possible (takeoff or approach not satisfactory, fail on timed maneuvers or accuracy, etc...). If there is whatever issue in the safety procedure of any flight, the exam is immediately failed. If the instructor judges an action is dangerous (on take off, at landing or uncontrolled maneuvers), the exam is immediately failed. Warning: even if the participant validates the safety procedures, maneuvers, target, theory knowledge, it is always possible the pedagogical team’s opinion is that the participant has not yet reached the required level. In that case they will explain their position and propose a clear road-map to reach the desired objective. If the participant disagrees with that decision, he may report to the disciplinary committee that will investigate.
Non-commercial tandem rating is issued by an APPI professional owner of at least APPI Instructor rating Step 1 At the end of the tandem training course, upon the appreciation of the instructor:- If the practical skills do not comply with APPI standards, or pilots attitude is not appropriate, no tandem certification will be issued. It will be recommended to the pilot to improve his skills in solo or change his attitude before considering flying tandem and re-attend the tandem pro-course.
- If the theoretical knowledge is not sufficient, a complementary theoretical course may be proposed in order to have the student pass the theoretical exam.
- If technique, knowledge and attitude are satisfying, the pilot will be validated Non Commercial Tandem Pilot status “in progress”. They must contract a non commercial tandem liability insurance if available (provided with our APPI insurance if eligible). They are allowed to fly without direct supervision of the instructor, but only with certified pilots as a passenger. Step 2 Once the student has a minimum of 30 tandem flights as pilot, done with minimum 2 different wings, on 3 different sites and with 4 different passengers, the student may then take the APPI tandem exam with an APPI instructor (Provide flight log and proof: date, place, contact of passenger, photo or video, comments. Track optional).
- If the exam is not satisfactory, the student’s status stays as Non Commercial Tandem Pilot "in progress" he should build more experience flying tandem exclusively with certified pilots as passenger until he passes the tandem exam.
- If exam is satisfactory, the student’s status will be updated to non-commercial tandem pilot "validated" allowing him to fly also non-pilots as passenger, but non commercially.

APPI non commercial tandem pilot with status “In progress” allowed to fly without direct supervision of the instructor, but only with certified pilots as a passenger Carry certified emergency parachute. Certified harness and helmets. Back protection for passenger and pilot. Tandem gear in good state. Non commercial tandem third party liability insurance mandatory if available. Report in APPI system of accident when involved Respect rules and regulations of the countries they are flying in. Expect to act in an exemplary manner. APPI non commercial tandem pilot with status “validated” Allowed to fly non-pilots as passenger, but non commercially. Carry certified emergency parachute except for dynamic soaring < 50m AGL and “walk and fly”. Certified harness. Tandem gear in good state. Non commercial tandem third party liability insurance mandatory if available. Accident report in APPI system when involved. Respect rules and regulations of the countries they are flying in. Expect to act in an exemplary manner (value of example). Freely welcome visiting APPI pilots.
The non-commercial tandem pilot may then pass the following certifications: handi, SIV tandem, and get advanced tandem certification (necessary to fly XC in tandem). One year after obtaining the Non Commercial Tandem Pilot certification, and having a minimum of 100 documented tandem flights,- the pilot may present the tandem exam in order to get the Pro Tandem pilot certification.
- He may also register an assistant instructor course if this is his objective.

ACRO in Tandem No acro in tandem above ground. No acro in tandem above water below 200m/surface. Acro in tandem above water above 200m allowed if glider is 10G certified, 2 emergency parachute or one Rogallo type, rescue team ready. Acro is wing > 90°, stall, spin, sat, spiral deeper -8m:s. In emergency situation any mean to go down is allowed. Special authorization to fly acro above ground can be given by a SIV instructor or a master under his responsibility. XC in tandem Is allowed with non commercial or pro qualification, it requires tandem siv certification + solo perfo certification. (Advanced Tandem rating) APPI certification awarded to a pilot is internal to the APPI organization and shows no particular right in the country where the activity is done unless APPI certification is recognized by local authorities. Check with them if such an agreement exists.