SIV certifications means that the pilot has acquired basic piloting techniques according to APPI standards.

To enroll in APPI SIV course, it is recommended to the pilots be at least certified APPI 3 pilot, or be holder of a rating equivalent to FAI IPPI 3. However APPI rating system allows SIV rating issuance to members that are not owner of any APPI rating. It's SIV instructor's decision to accept the student in the course. Students must have the minimum age in accordance with local rules (Federation/ Civil Aviation/ Army, etc), and have the authorization of a parent/guardian if of minor age.
This course is given above water with appropriate safety equipment. The pilot explores his glider’s limits and learns how to avoid and recover from flight incidents. Also he will learn to improve his emotional control in emergency situations. SIV exercices: Pitch Control Big ears with speed bar Symmetric Collapse Asymmetric collapse, fly straight Spiral and progressive exit SIV exercices optionnal B line stall Roll with and without big ears Dynamic turn 180° turn in opposite side of the collapse Landing with rear riser
rating is issued when the SIV instructor assesses that the pilot is able to perform the maneuvers autonomously
This certifications are issued by an APPI SIV instructor.
Siv rating allows to enter a performance course