Workshops schedule
Pro-workshops and Pro-course planned
258 | in France | from 4 apr to 11 apr 2025 | with Flyinfrog
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Pro-workshop instructeur France
248 | in Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 24 apr to 3 may 2025 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Iran IPW 2025
259 | in Bulgaria | from 10 jun to 16 jun 2025 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Bulgaria TPW
Pro-workshops and Pro-course In Progress
Past Workshops
256 | in | Mexico | from 19 mar to 24 mar 2025 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Tandem post Workshop Exam
245 | in | United States | from 9 mar to 16 mar 2025 | with Big Sky Paragliding School
Maintenance Pro-Course | APPI Paraglider Maintenance and repair course, Salt Lake City, Utah
Report of APPI Paraglider Maintenance and repair course, Salt Lake City, Utah
We had 9 total participants, 8 were paying students, and Blake Pelton, who has many years experience of kite and glider sewing and repair, and line sewing. The group had a wide range of experience and varying skills. we had two participants that currently have a repair facility(Mark and Scott), Three that plan on opening a shop very soon(Sarah, Carson and Hayes), two that plan on doing repairs and trimming as a second job(Jeremy and Bob), and one that will work for Dale. (Patrick)
IT was a really good group, all got along well and all were really excited to be part of this workshop. All participants completed most of the task but no one completed all.
All received "In Progress" status on all categories of tasks, except for Blake Pelton, who received "expert technician" in T3 and T4.
Feedback from participants:
provide a tutorial ahead of time on Office Libre and spreadsheet use.
make ACT easier.
More sewing machines? (we had 3 in heavy use, and two participants brought their own, so I think we had enough. However, people were waiting for time on machines occasionally.
More information on how to set up machines.
At first make one good point, at next talk what to improve.
Include "Make ACT" in T2 certification
Make extra cell in Brake to be used for tip steering for PPG
Make cell for reserve serial number and manufacture date
Make more time to correlate discussion with Manual.
Maybe provide manual ahead of time so people can study.
Have you considered providing plans of rail systems that different people have made that seem to work well? could be plans in the maintenance download section.
Many of these points, while valid, will require more time, which is in short supply already. So maybe we prioritize.
All Participants were very happy with the workshop, and we had overwhelmingly positive feedback.
257 | in | Spain | from 5 mar to 14 mar 2025 | with Entrenúvols
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Examen Pilot Biplaça
249 | in | Colombia | from 23 feb to 2 mar 2025 | with Flyinfrog
Maintenance Pro-Course | Curso de mantenimiento y reparacion de parapentes - Colombia -
254 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 19 feb to 10 mar 2025 | with GLIDE
Tandem Course | TPC Isfahan
Report of TPC Isfahan
The APPI Tandem ProWorkshop was held in Isfahan, a historic city in central Iran and a key launch site for Iranian XC pilots.
For the first time, APPI courses were conducted in collaboration with Eagles of the Sky Company under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran.
Five professional pilots participating in the Tandem ProCourse attended these theoretical sessions after successfully completing the practical prerequisites for tandem flying under the guidance of Instructor Mehdi Khebredast. Additionally, 22 other pilots joined the workshop to enhance their theoretical knowledge.
The training took place over five days, from March 5, 2025, from 9 AM to 6 PM, and was led by Master Shahin Fallah, Instructor Fatemeh Eftekhari, and Instructor Mohammad Semnani.
The curriculum covered essential topics such as aerodynamics, meteorology, piloting techniques, equipment inspection and maintenance, as well as critical safety guidelines for both professional and tandem pilots.
According to participants, the course provided a comprehensive range of essential information while also debunking and analyzing many widespread misconceptions and unsafe practices in the community.
The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony, attended by high-ranking civil aviation officials, during which certificates of participation were awarded to the pilots.
Mohamad Semnani
252 | in | India | from 10 feb to 12 feb 2025 | with Paragliding Vlora by Aeroclub Albania
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | India Additional Tandem exam, February 2025
250 | in | Colombia | from 27 jan to 7 feb 2025 | with Flyinfrog
Assistant Instructor Course | Curso instructor 2/3 Colombia
Report of Curso instructor 2/3 Colombia
253 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 26 jan to 8 feb 2025 | with GLIDE
Additional Instructor Exam For Workshop Participants | Instructor exam
246 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 16 dec to 8 feb 2025 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Bushehr TPW
239 | in | France | from 9 dec to 15 dec 2024 | with Flyinfrog
Maintenance Pro-Course | Cours control et réparations de Parapentes - Paragliders inspection y repair
Report of Cours control et réparations de Parapentes - Paragliders inspection y repair
Dessous en Français // Abajo en castellano
Pro Workshop CONTROL & REPAIR, France, December 9-15, 2024
The professional maintenance workshop organized in France in December 2024 brought together participants of excellent caliber from very different backgrounds: USA, Iran, Moldova, France, Ireland, Argentina, and Spain. Most had solid experience and professional inspection workshops for many years, like David and Giancarlo from Team Kasana in Alicante Spain, Mohammad from XagrosClouds in Isfahan, Iran, or Muriel from Parapente Attitude in Gensac France.
The spacious workshop where the training took place was superbly equipped with a variety of sewing machines, various paraglider inspection systems, wing trim measurement tools, and line strength testing equipment. Participants who brought their own tools were able to compare them with those on site, evaluate their dispersion and measurement accuracy, and consider areas for improvement.
The training was delivered by Manu Bonte, Thomas Geli, and Mika Grisey, assisted by Gregory Di Leo from the Revis'ailes workshop, Accous, France.
The theory/practice ratio of 20/80% gave considerable time to exploring different measurement and repair methods (60 hours). Participants were able to refine their inspection techniques, understand their limitations, and discover new ones.
The methods for effectively and appropriately inspecting and repairing flight equipment were presented, including: efficiently establishing relevant diagnoses, logical steps for general inspection, trim measurement and corrections using various methods, production of sewn and spliced lines, qualification of line strength through destructive and non-destructive methods...
The ACT (APPI Control Tool), which guides technicians through each step of their work, was central to the training, with the goal of participants mastering it completely.
They also acquired solid wing repair skills with Thomas's help. The broad scope covered everything from repairing small tears to reconstructing torn anchor points, including partial or complete replacement of ribs or outer surface panels. The most advanced students completed the course by performing particularly delicate repairs, as required by modern wings with their complex architecture. A wing with major damage (multiple destroyed cells) requiring the reconstruction of several ribs was also addressed.
Mika and Greg, in charge of inspection, repacking, and integration of various reserve parachute technologies, shared some specific tool tips such as the holding sock or folding template, which allow for real gains in quality and productivity.
The theoretical part of the course (15 hours) presented the concepts necessary for a good understanding of aging-related problems and APPI airworthiness criteria. Advanced concepts dealing with materials, as well as paraglider design and certification, were presented.
Special thanks to Olivier Houbron who opened the doors to the world of sewing machine adjustment, revealing the secrets of needle and shuttle hook synchronization.
In conclusion, this training allowed participants to strengthen their operational skills in all areas of paragliding equipment inspection and repair.
They will be followed up by the training team for as long as necessary to help implement APPI methods and criteria, which will lead to their APPI maintenance expert qualification. This qualification also allows them to display their control and repair center on the APPI platform's interactive map.
APPI maintenance training is officially recognized by 7 paraglider manufacturers, with more to come.
With these seminars, APPI continues to contribute to pilot safety and the professionalization of maintenance technicians. Paraglider maintenance is a critical point. Many operators set themselves up as inspection workshops but have very basic, partial, or even incorrect knowledge on the subject.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx French xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pro-cours CONTRÔLE & RÉPARATION, France, 9-15 décembre 2024
Le pro-workshop maintenance organisé en France en décembre 2024 a regroupé des participants d'un excellent niveau venant d'horizons très différents : USA, Iran, Moldavie, France, Irlande, Argentine, Espagne. La plupart avaient déjà une expérience solide et un atelier professionnel de révision depuis de nombreuses années à l’instar de David et Giancarlo du team Kasana d’Alicante Espagne, Mohammad de XagrosClouds d’Isfahan, Iran ou Muriel de parapente attitude à Gensac France
Le vaste atelier où la formation avait lieu était superbement équipé avec une variété de machines à coudre, divers systèmes d'inspection de parapentes, de mesure de calage de voiles et d'épreuve de la résistance des suspentes. Les participants venus avec leurs propres outils ont pu les confronter à ceux en place, évaluer leur dispersion et la précision de leurs mesures, et envisager des pistes d'amélioration.
La formation était dispensée par Manu Bonte, Thomas Geli, et Mika Grisey, assistés de Gregory Di Leo de l’atelier Revis’ailes, Accous, France
Le ratio théorie/pratique de 20/80 % a donné une large part à l'exploration de différentes méthodes de mesure et de réparation (60 heures). Les participants ont pu affiner leur technique de contrôle, en apprécier les limites et en découvrir d'autres.
Les méthodes à utiliser pour contrôler le matériel de vol et le réparer de manière efficace et pertinente ont été exposées, notamment : établir efficacement un diagnostic pertinent, étapes logiques d’une inspection générale, la mesure du calage et corrections par différentes méthodes, la production de suspentes cousues et épissurées, la qualification de la résistance du suspentage par méthode destructive et non destructive...
L'ACT (APPI Control Tool), qui accompagne le technicien à chaque étape de son travail, était au centre de la formation et l’objectif est que les participants en acquièrent une parfaite maîtrise.
Ils ont également acquis des compétences solides en réparation de voiles avec l’aide de Thomas. Le large champ d'application couvrait de la réparation d'une petite déchirure à la reconstruction d'un point d'ancrage déchiré, en passant par le changement partiel ou complet d'une nervure ou d'un panneau des surfaces extérieures. Les élèves les plus avancés ont terminé le cours en effectuant des réparations particulièrement délicates, comme peuvent l'exiger les ailes modernes avec leur architecture complexe. Une aile avec des dommages majeurs (nombreux caissons détruits) nécessitant la reconstruction de plusieurs nervures a été également traitée.
Mika et Greg en charge de la partie inspection, repliage et intégration de secours de différentes technologies ont partagé quelques astuces d’outils spécifiques comme la chaussette de maintien ou le gabarit de pliage, qui permettent un réel gain en qualité et en productivité.
La partie théorique du cours (15 heures) a présenté les concepts nécessaires à une bonne compréhension des problèmes liés au vieillissement, et des critères de navigabilité APPI. À cette fin, des notions avancées traitant des matériaux, mais aussi de la conception et de la certification des parapentes ont été exposées.
Remerciements particuliers à Olivier Houbron qui nous a entrouvert les portes de l'univers du réglage des machines à coudre révélant les secrets de la synchronisation de l'aiguille et du crochet de navette.
En conclusion, cette formation a permis aux participants de renforcer leurs compétences opérationnelles dans tous les domaines de l'inspection et de la réparation des équipements de parapente.
Ils seront suivis par l'équipe des formateurs le temps nécessaire pour aider à la mise en place des méthodes et critères APPI, ce qui débouchera sur leur qualification expert maintenance APPI. Cette qualification leur permet également d'afficher leur centre de contrôle et de réparation sur la carte interactive de la plateforme APPI.
La formation APPI maintenance est officiellement reconnue par 7 fabricants de parapentes, d'autres sont à venir.
Avec ces séminaires, APPI continue de contribuer à la sécurité des pilotes et à la professionnalisation des techniciens de maintenance. L'entretien des parapentes est un point critique. De nombreux opérateurs s'improvisent atelier de contrôle, mais ont des connaissances très basiques, partielles, voire fausses sur le sujet.
Pro-taller CONTROL Y REPARACIÓN, Francia, 9-15 de diciembre de 2024
El taller profesional de mantenimiento organizado en Francia en diciembre de 2024 reunió a participantes de excelente nivel procedentes de horizontes muy diferentes: EE.UU., Irán, Moldavia, Francia, Irlanda, Argentina y España. La mayoría contaba ya con una sólida experiencia y un taller profesional de revisión desde hace muchos años, como David y Giancarlo del equipo Kasana de Alicante España, Mohammad de XagrosClouds de Isfahán, Irán o Muriel de Parapente Attitude en Gensac Francia.
El amplio taller donde se impartió la formación estaba magníficamente equipado con una variedad de máquinas de coser, diversos sistemas de inspección de parapentes, medición de trimado de velas y prueba de resistencia de líneas. Los participantes que trajeron sus propias herramientas pudieron compararlas con las existentes, evaluar su dispersión y precisión de medidas, y considerar áreas de mejora.
La formación fue impartida por Manu Bonte, Thomas Geli y Mika Grisey, con la asistencia de Gregory Di Leo del taller Revis'ailes, Accous, Francia.
La proporción teoría/práctica de 20/80% dio un amplio espacio a la exploración de diferentes métodos de medición y reparación (60 horas). Los participantes pudieron perfeccionar su técnica de control, apreciar sus límites y descubrir otras.
Se expusieron los métodos a utilizar para controlar el material de vuelo y repararlo de manera eficaz y pertinente, notamment: establecer eficazmente un diagnóstico pertinente, etapas lógicas de una inspección general, la medición del trimado y correcciones por diferentes métodos, la producción de líneas cosidas y empalmadas, la cualificación de la resistencia del cordaje por método destructivo y no destructivo...
El ACT (APPI Control Tool), que acompaña al técnico en cada etapa de su trabajo, estuvo en el centro de la formación y el objetivo es que los participantes adquieran un perfecto dominio del mismo.
También adquirieron sólidas competencias en reparación de velas con la ayuda de Thomas. El amplio campo de aplicación abarcaba desde la reparación de un pequeño desgarro hasta la reconstrucción de un punto de anclaje roto, pasando por el cambio parcial o completo de una costilla o un panel de las superficies exteriores. Los alumnos más avanzados terminaron el curso realizando reparaciones particularmente delicadas, como pueden exigir las velas modernas con su compleja arquitectura. También se trató una vela con daños mayores (numerosas celdas destruidas) que requería la reconstrucción de varias costillas.
Mika y Greg, encargados de la parte de inspección, replegado e integración de paracaídas de reserva de diferentes tecnologías, compartieron algunos trucos de herramientas específicas como el calcetín de sujeción o la plantilla de plegado, que permiten una ganancia real en calidad y productividad.
La parte teórica del curso (15 horas) presentó los conceptos necesarios para una buena comprensión de los problemas relacionados con el envejecimiento y los criterios de navegabilidad APPI. Para ello, se expusieron nociones avanzadas sobre materiales, así como sobre el diseño y la certificación de parapentes.
Agradecimientos especiales a Olivier Houbron que nos entreabrió las puertas del universo del ajuste de máquinas de coser revelando los secretos de la sincronización de la aguja y el gancho de lanzadera.
En conclusión, esta formación permitió a los participantes reforzar sus competencias operativas en todos los ámbitos de la inspección y reparación de equipos de parapente.
Serán seguidos por el equipo de formadores el tiempo necesario para ayudar a la implementación de los métodos y criterios APPI, lo que conducirá a su calificación de experto en mantenimiento APPI. Esta calificación también les permite mostrar su centro de control y reparación en el mapa interactivo de la plataforma APPI.
La formación de mantenimiento APPI está oficialmente reconocida por 7 fabricantes de parapentes, y otros están por venir.
Con estos seminarios, APPI continúa contribuyendo a la seguridad de los pilotos y a la profesionalización de los técnicos de mantenimiento. El mantenimiento de los parapentes es un punto crítico. Muchos operadores se improvisan como taller de control, pero tienen conocimientos muy básicos, parciales o incluso erróneos sobre el tema.
238 | in | Argentina | from 28 nov to 6 dec 2024 | with Flyinfrog
Tandem Pro-Workshop | El Bolson 2024
240 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 28 nov to 4 dec 2024 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | SHIRAZ TPW
241 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 27 nov to 26 dec 2024 | with GLIDE
Additional Instructor Exam For Workshop Participants | Instructor exam
228 | in | Albania | from 1 nov to 12 nov 2024 | with Aeroclub Albania
Tandem Course | Berati PTC November 2024
Report of Berati PTC November 2024
Berati PTC took place in Berati, Albania, from 01 to 12 November 2024.
This PTC was organized by "Aeroclub Albania" in collaboration with "Aeroclub Tomorri" with support of "Albanian Air Sports Federation" and "Federata Aeronautike e Kosoves".
The PTC was open to a large audience and in total there were 8 pilots participating this course.
- 5 participants were experienced pilots looking for learning the tandem activity.
- 1 participant was a experienced tandem pilot looking for the evaluation of PTP certification.
- 2 pilots were looking to actualize their knowledge and upgrading their level in APPI
One pilot was from Norway, one from Switzerland, one from Austria, one from Kosova, one from Ukraine, and three of them were from Albania.
Roland Dorozhani (APPI Instructor from Albania) and Mendo Veljanovski (APPI Master Instructor) from Nord Macedonia were two teachers/lectors of this PTC
The Representative of " Aeroclub Tomorri" was putting a lot of effort for creating a good class room and good environment with all the facilities to make the PTC happened.
There was enough space indoor and outdoor, just next to the class room, for the practical part of the workshop (triming the gliders and other practical tasks)
The flying and practical training site was very close to the class room and accomodation hotel.
The weather conditions were just perfect during all the days of the PTC. Also the flight site was very suitable with the right altitude over the ground to perform the exercises required for the practical exam.
All this facilities made possible to have a successful PTC.
All the APPI theoretical and practical program was combined during the 10 days of PTC, 8 to 9 hours per day, by covering all the topics and practical exercise required, and 2 days were used for practical and theoretical exam.
1. The theoretical program covered all the topics mentioned on U1, U2, U3, U4.
2.The practical exercise covered:
- simulation geting in harness with different gear + different passengers.
- simulation of take of procedure
- simulation of inflation, acceleration and aborting procedure in tandem, on flat and at the take off slop also
- 8 real tandem take off + 8 tandem flights, with different gear, different passengers in three different sites.
- three exercise, in flights: 2X 360, 2X 360 reverse, and fast descending maneuver as well
- 8 landings, mostly off them in U shape approach
In the end of workshop every pilot got written feedback (positive points+ weak points) and advices to improve. They got, as well ,clear written rodmap for the nearest future, and for long term future as well.
In the end of PTC:
- two pilots couldn't take any certificate, immediately after the PTC, as the their advance SIV certificate is missing. They with get NCTP certificate with status "in progress" immediately after they validated their "Advanced SIV" certification
- three pilots could reach NCTP certificate with status "in progress"
- one pilot, successful, got the PTP certification with status " validated ".
- two pilots could upgrade their level in APPI system
I (Roland Dorozhani), as a creator of this PTC and as the main lector/teacher of this pro-course, would like to thank all the participants for their efforts, their attitude and their patients during the workshop.
- also, big thanks is going for the "Aeroclub Tomorri" for making possible this workshop happening.
- big thanks is going for the APPI pedagogical committee for the support before and during the workshop.
- big thanks is going for Master Instructor Mendo Veljanovski. He was ready to interfere and help whenever needed.
- big thanks for " Albanian Air Sports Federation" and "Federata Aeronautike e Kosoves" for their support.
See you in the next pro- course!🙏🙏🙏
235 | in | Spain | from 21 oct to 30 oct 2024 | with Entrenúvols
Tandem Course | Curs Pilot Biplaça APPI / FAC N6
237 | in | Colombia | from 21 oct to 29 oct 2024 | with Flyinfrog
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Jerico Colombia 2024
236 | in | Japan | from 17 oct to 20 oct 2024 | with JMB Fujimi Panorama Paraglider School
Pilot Workshop | SIV course
233 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 21 sep to 23 sep 2024 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | TPW IRAN
232 | in | Colombia | from 14 sep to 23 sep 2024
231 | in | Turkey | from 24 aug to 26 aug 2024 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Additional tandem with exam
222 | in | Turkey | from 11 jul to 12 jul 2024 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | TANDEM EXAM
227 | in | Turkey | from 5 jul to 14 jul 2024 | with Condor Air Sports
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Instructor Pro-Workshop - Ölüdeniz, Turkey
226 | in | Turkey | from 25 jun to 1 jul 2024 | with Condor Air Sports
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem Pro-Workshop - Çameli, Turkey
223 | in | Turkey | from 16 jun to 22 jul 2024 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | TPW oludeniz
212 | in | Russian Federation | from 10 jun to 19 jun 2024 | with Extreme Style
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Instructor Pro-Workshop In Moscow
Report of Instructor Pro-Workshop In Moscow
A Journey Through the Instructor Pro Workshop
From June 10th to June 19th, the picturesque Airdrome Airport, located just two hours south of Moscow, became the bustling hub for our much-anticipated Instructor Pro Workshop. Hosted by the renowned Ocean Sky School, this event brought together 10 passionate attendees and a dedicated staff team ready to embark on a journey of learning, growth, and camaraderie.
The Setting:
Nestled amidst lush, green surroundings, the Airdrome Airport provided a serene backdrop for our workshop. Despite the summer season, the weather had its own plans. The first five days greeted us with rain, creating a cool, refreshing atmosphere that kept us indoors. But this didn’t dampen our spirits. Instead, it set the stage for an intensive series of classroom sessions, where theory and knowledge flowed seamlessly.
The Team:
Our team was a blend of expertise and enthusiasm:
- Lead Instructors: Shahin Fallah and Dmitry Guzev
- Instructor: Maria
- Support Staff: Akmal, hailing from Uzbekistan but living in the UAE
The Participants:
The attendees, hailing from various schools around Moscow, were a vibrant mix. From seasoned instructors to those aspiring to climb the ranks, and assistant instructors eager to learn, each brought their unique energy and dedication to the workshop.
The Classroom Sessions:
With rain tapping gently on the windows, we dove into the depths of paragliding theory. These sessions were not just about learning; they were about igniting passion. The attendees showed remarkable enthusiasm, soaking up new knowledge and actively participating in discussions. The cool weather outside contrasted with the warm, collaborative atmosphere inside.
The Break in Weather:
Finally, the skies cleared, unveiling bright, sunny days perfect for field activities. Our first venture outdoors involved checking the guiding levels of our participants. Using the towing system, we assessed their skills amidst the vast, open fields. The green expanse, under the clear blue sky, was a sight to behold.
The Guiding Exam:
With the weather playing its unpredictable games, we seized the opportunity to conduct the guiding exam promptly. This ensured that no matter what the following days brought, our workshop would be complete and thorough.
Ground Handling and Beyond:
Our next session focused on ground handling in high winds. This was more than a test of skill; it was an experience. Watching the participants manage their gliders against the powerful winds was both thrilling and enlightening. After a day in the field, we returned to the classroom to finalize our topics, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.
A Cohesive Group:
Despite the diversity in their experience levels, the group gelled beautifully. Their motivation was palpable. The group work sessions were a testament to their dedication, with everyone contributing their best until late into the night. This positive energy made the workshop not just productive, but memorable.
Celebration and Reflection:
On the final day, as we gathered for a celebratory lunch and drinks, there was a sense of accomplishment in the air. The feedback and roadmaps provided were accepted with enthusiasm, reflecting the participants’ commitment to their ongoing development.
This Instructor Pro Workshop was more than just a learning experience; it was a journey. From the cool, rainy days to the bright, sunlit field sessions, every moment was filled with learning, growth, and camaraderie. The lush green environment, the unpredictable yet exciting weather, and the dedicated team all contributed to making this a truly remarkable event.
Thank you to everyone involved for their hard work and dedication. We look forward to witnessing the continued progress of all our participants.
Best regards,
Shahin Fallah
221 | in | Mexico | from 8 jun to 10 jun 2024 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Additional Instructor Exam For Workshop Participants | Instructor exam
203 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 30 may to 6 jun 2024 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | GILAN TPW SPRING 2024
Report of GILAN TPW SPRING 2024
We are thrilled to report a successful tandem pro workshop held in Kia-Sar, Gilan, Iran. This picturesque Caspian Sea beach served as the ideal setting for the week-long program, and may very well be the only location in northern Iran offering SIV courses.
The workshop followed a well-structured format. Participants dedicated the first five days to intensive theoretical training, laying a strong foundation for the practical aspects to come. Day six provided a valuable opportunity to put theory into action, with participants honing their practical skills under the guidance of experienced instructors. The culmination of the workshop arrived on day seven, where participants proudly demonstrated their mastery through a practical tandem exam.
We are incredibly impressed by the high success rate achieved in this year's workshop, surpassing that of previous iterations. It is our honor to contribute to the development of Iranian professionals in this field, ensuring they are equipped with the highest standards of knowledge and skill.
Beyond the core participants, the workshop also attracted over 10 pilots seeking to refresh and expand their theoretical knowledge. This participation further reinforces our commitment to fostering a thriving community of skilled paragliding professionals in Iran.
219 | in | France | from 28 may to 30 jun 2024 | with Flyinfrog
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Tandem exam 2024
176 | in | Russian Federation | from 27 may to 5 jun 2024 | with Extreme Style
Tandem Course | Tandem Course in Moscow
Report of Tandem Course in Moscow
This tandem APPI course was conducted by two master instructors, according to the APPI program, adapted to the specific kind of flying at the flatlands, powered by static winches at the few flying sites and runaways. surrounding Moscow.
As for the theories, most of the pilots were technically educated and ready to accept our way of theoretical presentation and explanations. Gear and trimming were very clear explained by Dimitry Gusev, and it was obvious that it is understood and accepted.
As for the aerodynamics and mechanics of flying paragliders I added, as usual, and present it my way of explaining it.
Big challenge was how to do tandem routine and be accepted by the participants which were use to do before. We spend sufficient time to practice that adopted for winch.
Meteorology and aerology was well explained from Dimitry, who practically worked in details with all pilots to train them well.
I found working at the airfield very useful to understanding legislations and traffic rules in realty.
At the theory and practical exam some of the pilots were extraordinary, showing good knowledge, understanding their responsibility.
We payed grate deal of psychological approach to tandem flying.
216 | in | Tunisia | from 25 may to 2 jun 2024 | with Monique Sarre
Pilot Workshop | Workshop pilote Tunisie
215 | in | Viet Nam | from 23 may to 28 may 2024 | with UNI SKY FRIENDS PARAGLIDING SCHOOL
Pilot Workshop | SIV training & Basic skill training
217 | in | Turkey | from 12 may to 20 may 2024 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Ölüdeniz Tandem exam
211 | in | Turkey | from 6 may to 8 may 2024 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Exam
213 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 29 apr to 5 may 2024 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Tandem Exam Tabriz
200 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 25 apr to 4 may 2024 | with GLIDE
Instructor Pro-Workshop | TABRIZ IPW 2024
201 | in | Mexico | from 9 apr to 16 apr 2024 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Pro-Workshop | APPI PRO Workshop Valle de Bravo, Mexico
Report of APPI PRO Workshop Valle de Bravo, Mexico
We have successfully finished the Tandem Pro Workshop in Valle de Bravo, exactly at El Peñon in Temascaltepec.
We had great weather that allowed us to finish the workshop on time with many flights.
The level was pretty good, with many pilots that have hundreds of commercial flights. Also we did notice that many of them took it seriously and were prepared on time for the exam.
Out of 23 tandem pilots, 12 of them reached the level to be certified as commercial tandem pilots by APPI standards.
Some have to provide some evidence of the exercise or repeat the exam.
The work that Cesar Arevalo and Luis Yepez did was amazing. They did not miss a thing during the exam and were professional in all terms making the exam fair for everyone.
Pilots were super excited with the theory they learned during the workshop.
220 | in | France | from 1 apr to 1 jul 2024 | with Flyinfrog
Additional Instructor Exam For Workshop Participants | instructor exam 2024
204 | in | India | from 19 mar to 31 mar 2024 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Course | Tandem Course
197 | in | Japan | from 12 mar to 21 mar 2024 | with JMB Fujimi Panorama Paraglider School
Tandem Course | APPI tandem course in Japan
207 | in | China | from 1 mar to 3 mar 2024 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Pilot Workshop | Shenzhen, Shuidi Mountain
206 | in | China | from 23 feb to 4 mar 2024 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Course | Shenzhen, Shuidi Mountain
196 | in | Nepal | from 21 feb to 29 feb 2024 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem Pro workshop for experience Tandem pilots.
Report of Tandem Pro workshop for experience Tandem pilots.
Tandem Pro-Workshop, NEPAL, 2024
We are happy to announce that we conducted the first ever APPI Tandem Pro-Workshop in Nepal, the birthplace of APPI International.
The APPI Tandem Pro-Workshop in Nepal was conducted in collaboration with Templepilots Paragliding (Kamshet, India) & Flying Wonders Paragliding School (Udaipur, Nepal) from the 21st of February to the 29th of February, 2024. The Workshops main Objective was to re-introduce the APPI Education & Rating System in Nepal along with each actualisation, evaluation & certification of experienced tandem pilots.
The Workshop had a total of 20 participants. One Tandem Pilot from China was just for the Final Exam & and an already Validated Tandem Pilot & Instructor had come for a refreshing of Knowledge & processes. The majority of pilots were from Nepal along with some from neighbouring countries like India & Bangladesh.
The Workshop Team included APPI Instructor Roland Dorozhani (APPI License No. 10768) from Albania & Master Instructor Amarjit (Avi) Malik (APPI License No. 10135) from India.
Flying Wonders Paragliding School had made arrangements for a spacious hall for for both the Theory Lectures & Practical Trimming Sessions. The flying site was very pretty close to the class room and the weather conditions were just perfect for the training day and practical exams. Also the flying site was just about suitable with the right altitude to perform the exercises required for the practical exam.
All the APPI programs required for the Pro Tandem Workshop (U1, U2, U3, U4) were covered theoretically and practicaly in five full days (8 to 9 hours per day in the classroom). One day was used by pilots for practice. Two days practical exam and one day theoretical exam.
At the end of workshop 03 pilots could validate their APPI Pro Tandem Pilot certification, 14 pilots could validate their APPI Non Commercial Tandem Pilot certification, 03 pilots achieved the rating NCTP with the status "in progress".
We are happy to have achieved success with this Pro-Workshop & would like to thank all involved, all the pilot participants, APPI Instructors & the APPI Pedagogical Committee.
APPI Master Instructor Amarjit (avi) Malik
198 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 21 feb to 1 mar 2024 | with GLIDE
Instructor Pro-Workshop | YAZD IPW 2024
Report of YAZD IPW 2024
APPi Paragliding Instructor Course Report
Course Overview
The APPi Paragliding Instructor Course was conducted in Yazd, Iran from February 4th to 12th, 2024 by master instructor Shahin Fallah .
The course aimed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to become certified APPi paragliding instructors.
A total of 14 participants enrolled in the course, including experienced instructors seeking to refine their teaching methodologies and gain a deeper understanding of APPi's training standards.
Additionally, Mohammad Samani and Fatemeh Eftehkari, were present to complete their Master Instructor training.
The participants comprised a mix of seasoned instructors eager to refine their teaching methods and align with APPi's training standards, alongside individuals with less teaching experience seeking to embark on their professional journey in this field.
Course Language and Materials:
The course was primarily conducted in Persian to cater to participants. However, all course materials, including lesson plans, were provided in both Persian and English for participants' reference.
Theoretical Sessions
The course featured a comprehensive series of consecutive theoretical sessions held daily from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, utilizing whiteboards, projector screens, and video presentations.
Course Location and Facilities
The selection of Yazd as the course location proved to be advantageous due to its central position within Iran, facilitating travel for participants from various cities.
The training venue, situated at the Yazd Public Library's amphitheater, offered close proximity to both the theoretical and practical training areas. Although unfavorable weather conditions and rainfall prevented the use of the outdoor training site, the amphitheater's ample space allowed for effective simulation of teaching methods.
Assessment and Certification
Two participants volunteered to take the theoretical knowledge exam during the course. The remaining participants will have the opportunity to take the theoretical and practical exams at a later date.
The APPi Paragliding Instructor Course in Yazd successfully delivered in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical teaching skills to the participants. The course's comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and well-equipped facilities contributed to its overall success.
195 | in | India | from 30 jan to 16 feb 2024 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Experienced instructor: evaluation & educational certification
Report of Experienced instructor: evaluation & educational certification
The APPI Instructor workshop was held from 30th Jan to 10th Feb 2024 by Temple Pilots School & Club, in Kamshet, Pune, INDIA.
Master Instructor Avi Malik(10135) , Instructor Roland Dorozhani (10768) & Instructor Jitendra Chindaliya (12148) were part of the Workshop Staff.
This workshop had 13 participants majorly from India & few from other countries like Nepal & Lebanon.
majority of the Participants were with Tandem experience and good training experience.
The workshop was done in two languages simultaneously, English & Hindi. Personalized attention was given to each participant depending on their & level & comfort with the language.
During the Workshop, we had back-to-back Theory sessions where advanced knowledge was shared - Four main topics: ( U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6)
Everyday 8-9 Hours were given for Theory sessions using white board, Projector screen & video presentations.
After the theoretical days in the classroom, we did field work for Instructors.
APPI Pro Validations are done for participants who passed the theory and practical exams for each Pro-Level.
We extended the Workshop and gave additional Homework to increase their Theory Level & practice with the Sessions Tool. We gave them additional Online Exams to further check their Theory knowledge & Teaching Skills.
Out of 13 Participants, only 01 could achieve APPI Instructor Rating & 06 achieved Assistant Instructor Rating. 04 achieved Instructor ‘In Progress’
Rating & 01 Assistant Instructor ‘In Progress’. 01 Qualified APPI Instructor Ankush Takve came for Refresher. Overall it was Great experience of Instructor Pro-Workshop with loads of knowledge & Joy.
In Summary it was a great success to introduce & promote APPI Education & Rating System at the Professional Level particularly in India & in Asia at large.
We Hope to conduct more such Workshops in the near Future.
186 | in | United States | from 25 jan to 31 jan 2024 | with Big Sky Paragliding
Maintenance Pro-Workshop | maintenance pro-workshop in USA
194 | in | India | from 17 jan to 25 jan 2024 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem Pro workshop for experience Tandem pilots.
Report of Tandem Pro workshop for experience Tandem pilots.
Tandem Pro-Workshop, Kamshet, INDIA, 2024
We are happy to announce that we concluded the APPI Tandem Pro-Workshop in Kamshet, state of Maharashtra, India.
The APPI Tandem Pro-Workshop in Kamshet was conducted in collaboration with Templepilots Paragliding (Kamshet, India) from the 17th of January to the 25th of January, 2024. The Workshops main Objective was actualisation, evaluation & certification of experienced tandem pilots.
The Workshop had a total of 18 participants, 14 Tandem Pilots & 04 Solo Pilots. One Tandem Pilot from Ghana (AFRICA) & the rest, the majority of pilots were from India. Initially there was resistance towards the APPI Pro-Workshop but later things worked out in APPI’s favour since there have been other successful Tandem Pro-Workshops that have been conducted here in the past.
The Workshop Team included APPI Instructor Roland Dorozhani (APPI License No. 10768) from Albania, APPI Master Instructor Amarjit (Avi) Malik (APPI License No. 10135) & APPI Instructor Jitendra Chindaliya (License No. 12148) from India.
Templepilots Paragliding School had made arrangements for a spacious hall for for both the Theory Lectures & Practical Trimming Sessions. The flying sites were not very far from their base and the weather conditions were just perfect for the training day and practical exams. Also the flying site was just about suitable with the right altitude to perform the exercises required for the practical exam.
All the APPI programs required for the Pro Tandem Workshop (U1, U2, U3, U4) were covered theoretically and practicaly in five full days (8 to 9 hours per day in the classroom). One day was used by pilots for practice. Two days practical exam and one day theoretical exam.
At the end of workshop 07 pilots could validate their APPI Pro Tandem Pilot certification, 06 pilots could validate their APPI Non Commercial Tandem Pilot certification, 01 pilot achieved the rating NCTP with the status "in progress".
We are happy to have achieved success with this Pro-Workshop & would like to thank all involved, all the pilot participants, APPI Instructors & the APPI Pedagogical Committee.
APPI Master Instructor Amarjit (avi) Malik
199 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 13 jan to 19 jan 2024 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | ZANJAN TPW 2024
181 | in | Japan | from 11 jan to 17 jan 2024 | with AEROTACT Repair & Check Center
Maintenance Pro-Workshop | 2024 APPI maintenance pro workshop in Japan
Report of 2024 APPI maintenance pro workshop in Japan
This is 2nd maitenance workshop in Japan. at this workshop everyone learn about glider check , repair and maitenance of other equipment (reserve, harness, connector...). after last time we modiftied a lot for this workshop. and then we tried to found out good way.
at first the operator have to know about EN certification, materials. after this classroom we started to practice how to maintenance.
The operator need a lot of knowledge and skill for control these things.
on everyday we ate brakefast on 6:30AM. before 8:00 AM we started at classroom. after some suggestion and discussion we almost stayed at Atlier.
For glider check we have nice tools ( called ACT). we use it, easy to understand how to do it. Glider check means -visiale inspection, cloth porosity, cloth strength, line strength, line trim, flight test. many people only focus on line trim. but not only this. ACT showed everything to us easely.
we also took a time for repair. making several type of line and breaking load test. It is very interesting. If stitching a little bit different , breaking load is huge different. cloth repair : modern glider have a lot of inner structure. we need clear plan before repair it.
Reserve inspection and packing is important,too. we have several type of reserve. but key point of packing is same. anyway all type is " line first" deployment.
we could get a lot of pratice during the 7 days. and everyone continue to practice at home for Tx EXPERT certification.
our staff will move to USA. and then go to next maintenance workshop.
Report: Naohisa Okada (APPI maintenance instructor)
193 | in | Azerbaijan | from 27 nov to 9 dec 2023 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Azerbaijan TPW 2023
Report of Azerbaijan TPW 2023
Adaptive Learning Approach: Transforming TandemPro Workshop into Tandem Course in Baku, Azerbaijan Introduction Purpose and Context: Outline the initial plan for the TandemPro workshop and the unforeseen need for adaptation based on the participants' skill levels.Immediate Action: Highlight the decision to commence the course earlier due to the observed practical skill gaps.Workshop Adaptation Revised Schedule: Explain the modification of the workshop from the initially planned two-day rest, seven-day course, and two-day rest format to a continuous ten-day training schedule.Focus on Practical Skills: Detail the shift in the course format, particularly emphasizing practical elements such as take-off and landing skills.Course Restructuring Transition to Tandem Course: Describe the transformation from TandemPro workshop to a Tandem course.Instructional Approach: Explain the decision to focus on imparting theoretical content, safety protocols, and operational aspects without conducting immediate evaluations.Future Plans and Milestones SIV Course Preparation: Discuss the plan for a five-month preparation period leading up to the SIV course scheduled for May.Progress Evaluation: Highlight the intention to supervise their tandem flying practices during this period and then allow entrance to the exam once proficiency is achieved.ConclusionAdaptive Teaching Approach: Summarize the adaptive teaching strategy employed to tailor the course to the participants' needs and skill levels.Anticipated Outcomes: Express expectations for improved skills and readiness for the SIV course, ultimately leading to successful TandemPro certification.This structured report aims to highlight the specific adjustments made during the workshop, the revised approach taken, and the future roadmap for participants' skill enhancement leading to certification.
187 | in | Turkey | from 14 nov to 19 nov 2023 | with Flyinfrog
Siv Instructor Workshop | SIV instructor clinic Oludeniz in English
188 | in | Turkey | from 7 nov to 13 nov 2023 | with Flyinfrog
Siv Instructor Workshop | SIV instructor clinic Oludeniz in spanish
192 | in | Spain | from 4 nov to 9 nov 2023
Maintenance Pro-Workshop | maintenance workshop spain Ager
185 | in | Spain | from 24 oct to 4 nov 2023 | with Flyinfrog
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Instructor workshop Ager Spain 2023
179 | in | Spain | from 16 oct to 23 oct 2023 | with Entrenúvols
Tandem Course | Curs de pilot biplaça no comercial
184 | in | Turkey | from 16 sep to 26 sep 2023 | with GLIDE
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz IPW Sep
Report of Ölüdeniz IPW Sep
APPI Instructor Pro Workshop Report
Introduction: This report offers insights into the APPI Instructor Pro Workshop, conducted from September 16th to 26th, 2023, in the enchanting location of Oludeniz, Turkey. The workshop drew paragliding instructors seeking to refine their teaching skills.Theme Overview: The workshop had a primary objective: to enrich the capabilities of instructors overseeing paragliding and paramotor clubs. It encompassed advanced subject matter.Key Highlights: Participants actively immersed themselves in sessions covering pedagogy, psychopedagogy, analysis and tools, radio guiding, and instructor positioning. They also took on the role of instructors, delivering training sessions to beginner and progression-level pilots, utilizing the "APPI Pedagogy."Acknowledgments: We express our deepest gratitude to Master Instructor Shahin Fallah and all contributors who played a pivotal role in orchestrating this workshop. We commend the enthusiastic participants for their unwavering dedication.Conclusion: The APPI Instructor Pro Workshop in Oludeniz, Turkey, significantly elevated the professional standards of instructor pilots. It fortified their teaching skills and prepared them to enhance the safety and quality of paragliding training.These final reports are ready for posting, and it's clear that you authored them. If you have any further requests or need assistance with anything else, please don't hesitate to ask
183 | in | Turkey | from 4 sep to 13 sep 2023 | with GLIDE
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz TPW Sep
Report of Ölüdeniz TPW Sep
APPI Tandem Pro Workshop ReportIntroduction: This report provides an overview of the APPI Tandem Pro Workshop that took place from September 5th to 13th, 2023, in the scenic location of Oludeniz, Turkey. The workshop attracted professionals from the paragliding community, with a primary focus on tandem paragliding expertise.Theme Overview: The workshop aimed to elevate the professional skills and knowledge of tandem pilots. It delved into crucial aspects of tandem paragliding.Key Highlights: Participants actively engaged in discussions and practical sessions, enriching their understanding of tandem paragliding. Topics such as gear, flight mechanics, aerology, human factors, and safety checks were explored.Acknowledgments: Our heartfelt appreciation extends to Master Shahin Fallah and all involved in organizing this workshop. We also commend the dedicated participants for their unwavering commitment.Conclusion: The APPI Tandem Pro Workshop in Oludeniz, Turkey, served as a significant platform for advancing the expertise of tandem pilots, equipping them with enhanced knowledge and skills.
180 | in | Spain | from 17 aug to 23 aug 2023 | with Flyinfrog
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem proworkshop en castellano
Report of Tandem proworkshop en castellano
Report in Castellano // English // Francais
TANDEM Pro-workshop, Organyà Espana, 17-23 agosto 2023
A mediados de agosto se celebró en Organyà un Tandem Pro-workshop de primera categoría. Fruto del trabajo conjunto con la RFAE (Real Federación Aeronáutica Española), sienta las bases para futuras colaboraciones.
Organyà, "la montaña mágica", no necesita presentación. El lugar emblemático de la escena acro ha demostrado ser especialmente adecuado para el ejercicio: rotación ultrarrápida entre vuelos, despegues relativamente técnicos tanto con viento cero como en condiciones establecidas, y aterrizajes activos.
La facilidad con la que se puede ganar altura compensó el bajo desnivel del lugar, permitiéndo realizar las maniobras de examen con total seguridad.
El aula proporcionada por el camping "Organyà Park" era adecuada para el tamaño del grupo. La fuerte ola de calor puso a prueba el aire acondicionado del aula y proporcionó condiciones de vuelo selectivas durante las evaluaciones finales, especialmente en aproximación y aterrizaje. Afortunadamente, la piscina cercana mantenía las neuronas a una temperatura de funcionamiento ideal.
El equipo docente estaba formado por el Master Instructor Manu Bonte (Francia), asistido por el instructor Vicente Alem (Bolivia) y por Walid Abuhaidar (Lebanon)..
Como siempre, el taller de la APPI atrajo a una mezcla cosmopolita de pilotos operando en diferentes continentes: España, Chile, Argentina, Túnez, Francia, Turquía y Suiza,
Es digno de elogio el afán de los participantes por actualizar sus conocimientos: muchos de ellos ya poseían una certificación profesional nacional. Las últimas novedades de la plataforma de la APPI les brindaron la oportunidad de prepararse de la mejor manera posible antes del seminario.
Durante el taller tándem se compartieron conocimientos esenciales y avanzados.
Cuatro temas principales:
-Equipamiento y materiales desde el punto de vista del control del envejecimiento y la evaluación de la aeronavegabilidad.
-Aerodinámica y pilotaje: evolución del diseño del parapente y consecuencias para el pilotaje,
-Metereología (previsión avanzada), seguridad, manejo emocional, rendimiento y reglamentación,
-Vuelo en biplaza: técnicas y procedimientos de seguridad.
Para concluir, nos gustaría destacar el excelente ambiente de este taller, dirigido por dos leyendas del parapente, Raúl Rodríguez y Horacio Llorens. Compromiso, concentración, humildad y destreza son las señas de identidad de los campeones.
Muchas gracias a todos los participantes. Su entusiasmo y profesionalidad hicieron de este momento compartido una ocasión especial.
TANDEM Pro-workshop, Organyà Spain, August 17-23, 2023
A high-profile Tandem Pro-workshop was held in mid-August in Organyà. The result of joint work with the RFAE (Real Federación Aeronáutica Española), it lays the foundations for future collaboration.
Organyà "the magic mountain" needs no introduction. The flagship site of the acro scene, it proved to be particularly well-suited to the exercise: ultra-rapid rotation between flights, relatively technical take-offs in both nil-wind and established conditions, and active landings.
The ease with which it mas possible to gain altitude compensated for the low height of the site, and enabled to carry out the examination maneuvers in complete safety.
The classroom provided by the "Organyà Park" campsite was well suited to the size of the group. The severe heat wave put the air-conditioning in the classroom to the test, and made for selective flying conditions during the final evaluations, especially for the approach and landing. Fortunately, the nearby swimming pool kept the neurons at an ideal operating temperature.
The staff was made up of Master Instructor Manu Bonte (France), assisted by instructor Vicente Alem (Bolivia) and by Walid Abuhaidar (Lebanon).
As ever, the APPI workshop attracted a cosmopolitan audience of pilots from or working on different continents: Spain, Chile, Argentina, Tunisia, France, Turkey and Switzerland.
The participants' eagerness to update their knowledge is to be commended: many of them already held a national professional certification. The latest developments in the APPI platform gave them the opportunity to prepare optimally before the seminar.
During the tandem workshop, essential and advanced knowledge was shared.
Four main topics:
-Equipment and materials from the point of view of ageing control and airworthiness assessment.
-Aerodynamics and piloting: evolution of paraglider design and consequences for piloting,
-Weather (advanced forecasting), safety, emotional control, performance and regulations,
-Tandem flying: safety techniques and procedures.
In conclusion, it's worth highlighting the excellent atmosphere of this workshop, led by two paragliding legends, Raul Rodriguez and Horacio Llorens. Commitment, concentration, humility and high skills, the hallmarks of champions.
Many thanks to all participants. Their enthusiasm and professionalism made this moment of sharing a special occasion.
Pro-workshop TANDEM, Organyà Espana, 17-23 Aout 2023
Un Pro-workshop tandem de haute volée s’est tenu mi Aout à Organyà. Fruit d’un travail commun avec la RFAE (Real Federación Aeronáutica Española) il pose les bases d’une collaboration future.
On ne présente plus Organyà ‘la montagne magique ». Le site phare de la scène acro, s’est avérée être particulièrement adapté à l’exercice : rotation ultra rapide entre les vols, décollage relativement technique que ce soit par vent nul ou en conditions établies et atterrissage actif
La facilité de prendre de l’altitude a compensé la faible dénivelée du site et a permis de faire les manœuvres d’examen en sécurité
La salle de cours mise à disposition par le camping «Organyà Park» était adaptée à la taille du groupe. La canicule sévère a mis à l’épreuve l’air conditionné de la salle de cours et a offert des conditions de vol sélectives lors des évaluations finales, surtout pour l’approche et l’atterrissage. Heureusement, la piscine tout proche a permis de maintenir les neurones à température de fonctionnement idéale.
L'équipe pédagogique était composée du Master Instructor Manu Bonte (France), assisté de l’instructeur Vicente Alem (Bolivia) et de Walid Abuhaidar (Lebanon)..
Du coté des participants, comme toujours ce workshop APPI a drainé un public cosmopolite de pilotes venant ou travaillant sur différents continents : Espagne, Chili, Argentine, Tunisie, France,Turquie, Suisse,
Il faut saluer la soif d'actualisation des connaissances des participants : un bon nombre d'entre eux étaient déjà titulaires d'une certification professionnelle nationale. Les derniers développements de la plateforme APPI leur offrait la possibilité de se préparer de façon optimale avant le séminaire.
Pendant le workshop tandem, des connaissances essentielles et avancées ont été partagées.
Quatre thèmes principaux :
-L'équipement et le matériel sous l'angle du contrôle du vieillissement et de l'évaluation de la navigabilité.
-Aérodynamique et pilotage : évolution du design des parapentes et conséquences sur le pilotage,
-Météo (prévision avancée), sécurité, mental, performance et réglementation,
-Vol en tandem : techniques et procédures de sécurité.
Pour conclure on peut souligner l’excellente ambiance de ce workshop, emmené par deux pures légendes du parapente que sont Raul Rodriguez et Horacio Llorens. Implication, concentration, humilité, et compétence : la marque des grands champions.
Un grand merci à tous les participants. Leur enthousiasme et leur professionnalisme ont fait de cet instant de partage un moment privilégié.
182 | in | Turkey | from 8 aug to 10 aug 2023 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Sınav
175 | in | Japan | from 4 jul to 5 jul 2023 | with AEROTACT Repair & Check Center
Maintenance Pro-Workshop | T1 Pro rescue packer Pro-Workshop
177 | in | Turkey | from 1 jun to 3 jul 2023 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Alayna
159 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 27 may to 10 jun 2023
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Persian TPW
Report of Persian TPW
Iran TPW was held in Kiashahr, in Gilan province located on the north side of the country and by the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Both accommodation and theoretical class locations were in a nice hotel in the closest possible place to the winch band (the Caspian beach), where the training and the final test were going to happen. Participants were all experienced tandem pilots, including very well-known local instructors and club owners. They were almost all fascinated by the modern and well-ordered theory subjects as well as the organization efforts, which was shown in their interest in class discussions and activities and also, in the organizer's surveillance.
Each day after theory class, participants had the opportunity to fly in a safe and standard condition and train the day's subjects on the water; Until the seventh day, which was the workshop's official exam day, where participants had the opportunity to experience the simulated final exam conditions, under instructors supervision.
174 | in | Turkey | from 12 may to 16 may 2023 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Sınav Mayıs
170 | in | Bulgaria | from 8 may to 19 may 2023 | with Sky Camp Paragliding School
Tandem Course | SkyCamp tandem pilot Course
168 | in | Turkey | from 17 apr to 28 apr 2023 | with GLIDE
Tandem Course | Alanya TPC
156 | in | Turkey | from 1 apr to 10 apr 2023 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Türkiye IPW 2023
162 | in | Turkey | from 25 mar to 31 mar 2023 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Course | TPC Türkiye March 2023
164 | in | Japan | from 22 mar to 28 mar 2023 | with Flyinfrog
Maintenance Pro-Workshop | Check & maintenance Japan
Report of Check & maintenance Japan
English, abajo castellano, dessous en francais
Pro-course CHECK & REPAIR, Japan, 22-28 March 2023
The professional training course "paraglider check and repair expert" which was scheduled for March 2020 in Japan could finally take place. It is an understatement to say that it was eagerly awaited! The selected participants, from Japan and Vietnam, had advanced knowledge in at least one of the four areas of study. Some even showed real expertise. Adding the seriousness and the Japanese organization, this seminar could only be a new stone in the APPI training system. All this exactly at the time of the cherry blossom, so everything started under the best auspices.
The Aerotact atelier provided by Hangai san, close to its schools in the north of Tokyo, is simply perfect to receive and train inspection and repair technicians. 7 sewing stations, two laser stations dedicated to line measurement, differential trimming measurement station, breakage bench, suspension and backlighting device... the best.
The training provided by Manu Bonte, Mrs Chin (thi to trinh Nguyen) and Naoisha Okada was programmed on a very... Japanese rhythm, but the over-motivated participants managed to pulverize the number of hours of practice.
The first part of the course (12 hours) presented the concepts necessary for a good understanding of the problems related to aging and airworthiness criteria. To this end, advanced notions dealing with materials, but also with design, development and approval were studied. Then the methods to be used to control the flight material and to repair it in an efficient and relevant way were exposed.
Then, a large place was given to the practice (70 hours!). The participants acquired a real know-how on all aspects of inspection and repair. Among other things: General inspection of the material – Trim measurement and correction (laser and differential methods) - Lines production (sewing and splicing) and strength measurement – Reserve inspection, folding and integration - Harnesses and connectors check...
The ACT (APPI Control Tool) that accompanies the technician at each step of his work, was at the center of the training and the participants acquired a perfect mastery of it.
They also acquired solid skills in canopy repair under the watchful, benevolent but ruthless eye of Mrs Chin sensei. The wide scope of application covered everything from repairing a small tear, to rebuilding a torn anchor point, to partially or completely changing a rib or panel of the outer skins. The most advanced students finished the course by performing particularly delicate repairs, as modern wings with their complicated architecture can require.
This training allowed the participants to acquire real operational skills in all areas of paragliding equipment inspection and repair. The team of trainers followed them during the early stages of their activity. At the time of publishing this report, almost all of them are about to obtain their APPI maintenance expert qualification. This qualification also allows them to show their control and repair center on the interactive map of the APPI platform.
This training is about to be officially recognized by some paraglider manufacturers. The information will be published in the APPI news page.
With these seminars, APPI continues to contribute to the safety of pilots and the professionalization of maintenance technicians.
The maintenance of paragliders is a critical point. Many operators improvise themselves as a control workshop, but have very basic, partial or even false knowledge on the subject.
Thanks to Hangai san and Miyuki san for the support, mrs Chin sensei sewing, Okada black belt in reserve packing and Ryota and Dow who run the Aerotact atelier.
CHECK & REPAIR pro-course, Japón, 22-28 marzo 2023
Por fin pudo celebrarse el curso de formación profesional "Experto en revisión y reparación de parapentes" que estaba programado para marzo de 2020 en Japón. ¡Es un eufemismo decir que era muy esperado! Los participantes seleccionados, procedentes de Japón y Vietnam, tenían conocimientos avanzados en al menos una de las cuatro áreas de estudio. Algunos incluso demostraron verdadera pericia. Si a esto añadimos la seriedad y organización de los japoneses, este seminario sólo podía ser una nueva piedra en el sistema de formación de la APPI. Todo esto ocurrió exactamente al mismo tiempo que florecían los cerezos, por lo que fue un comienzo muy auspicioso.
El taller Aerotact puesto a disposición por Hangai san, cerca de sus escuelas en el norte de Tokio, es sencillamente perfecto para recibir y formar a los técnicos de inspección y reparación. 7 estaciones de costura, dos estaciones láser dedicadas a la medición de líneas, estación de medición de tiempos diferenciales, banco de rotura, dispositivo de suspensión y retro-iluminación... lo mejor.
La formación impartida por Manu Bonte, la Sra. Chin (thi to trinh Nguyen) y Naoisha Okada estaba programada a un ritmo muy... japonés, pero los participantes, excesivamente motivados, consiguieron pulverizar el número de horas de práctica.
La primera parte del curso, de 12 horas de duración, presentó los conceptos necesarios para una buena comprensión de los problemas relacionados con el envejecimiento y los criterios de aeronavegabilidad. Para ello, se estudiaron nociones avanzadas relativas a los materiales, pero también al diseño, el desarrollo y la homologación. A continuación, se explicaron los métodos que deben utilizarse para controlar el material de vuelo y repararlo de forma eficaz y pertinente.
A continuación, gran parte del curso se dedicó a trabajos prácticos (¡70 horas!). Los participantes adquirieron verdaderos conocimientos técnicos sobre todos los aspectos de la inspección y la reparación. Entre otros: Inspección general de los equipos - Medición y corrección del paso (métodos láser y diferencial) - Fabricación (cosido y empalme) de las líneas y medición de su resistencia - Inspección, plegado e integración de las reservas - Revisión de los mazos y conectores...
El ACT (APPI Control Tool), documento informático que acompaña al técnico en cada etapa de su trabajo de control, estuvo en el centro de la formación y los participantes adquirieron un perfecto dominio del mismo.
También adquirieron una sólida destreza en la reparación de marquesinas bajo la atenta, benévola pero implacable mirada de la Sra. Chin sensei. El amplio campo de aplicación abarcaba desde la reparación de un pequeño desgarro hasta la reconstrucción de un punto de anclaje desgarrado, pasando por el cambio parcial o total de una costilla o un panel de los revestimientos exteriores. Los alumnos más avanzados terminaron el curso realizando reparaciones especialmente delicadas, como pueden exigir las alas modernas con su complicada arquitectura.
Esta formación permitió a los participantes adquirir competencias operativas reales en todos los ámbitos de la inspección y reparación de equipos de parapente. El equipo de formadores les siguió durante las primeras etapas de su actividad. En el momento de escribir estas líneas, casi todos ellos están a punto de obtener su cualificación de experto en mantenimiento de la APPI. Esta cualificación también les permite que su centro de control y reparación aparezca en el mapa interactivo de la plataforma APPI.
Esta formación está en proceso de ser reconocida oficialmente por algunos fabricantes de parapentes. La información se publicará en la página de noticias de la APPI.
Con estos seminarios, la APPI sigue contribuyendo a la seguridad de los pilotos y a la profesionalización de los técnicos de mantenimiento.
El mantenimiento de los parapentes es un punto crítico. Muchos operadores improvisan ellos mismos un taller de control, pero tienen conocimientos muy básicos, parciales o incluso falsos sobre el tema.
Gracias a Hangai san y Miyuki san por el apoyo, a la señora Chin sensei por coser, a Okada cinturón negro en embalaje de emergencia y a Ryota y Dow que dirigen el taller de mantenimiento Aerotact.
Pro-course CHECK & REPAIR, Japan, 22-28 Mars 2023
La formation professionnelle « expert en contrôle et réparation de parapente» qui avait été programmée en mars 2020 au Japon a enfin pu avoir lieu. C’est peu dire qu’elle était attendue avec impatience ! Les participants sélectionnés, originaires du Japon et du Vietnam, avaient des notions avancées au moins dans un des quatre domaines étudiés. Certains faisaient même montre d’une réelle expertise. En y ajoutant le sérieux et l’organisation japonaise, ce séminaire ne pouvait que poser une nouvelle pierre dans le système de formation APPI. Tout ça exactement au moment de la floraison des cerisiers, tout commençait donc sous les meilleurs auspices
L’atelier Aerotact mis à disposition par Hangai san, au plus près de ses écoles au nord de Tokyo, est tout simplement parfait pour recevoir et former des techniciens de contrôle et réparation. 7 postes de couture, deux postes laser dédiés à la mesure des suspentes, poste de mesure de calage différentiel, banc de rupture, dispositif de suspension et de rétro éclairage… le top.
La formation assurée par Manu Bonte, Mrs Chin (thi to trinh Nguyen) et Naoisha Okada était programmée sur un rythme très… japonais, mais les participants sur-motivés ont réussi à pulvériser le nombre d’heures de pratique.
Une première partie de 12 heures exposait les concepts nécessaires à la bonne compréhension des problèmes liés au vieillissement et aux critères de navigabilité. A cet effet ont été étudiées des notions avancées traitant des matériaux, mais également de la conception, de la mise au point et de l’homologation. Puis ce sont les méthodes à mettre en œuvre pour contrôler le matériel de vol et pour le réparer de manière efficace et pertinente qui furent exposées.
Ensuite, une large place a été donnée à la pratique (70 heures !). Les participants ont acquis un véritable savoir faire sur tous les aspects du contrôle et de la réparation. Entre autre:Inspection générale du matériel - Mesure et correction du calage (méthodes laser et différentielles)- Fabrication (couture et épissure) des suspentes et mesure de leur résistance – Inspection, repliage et intégration des secours - Révision des sellettes et connecteurs…
L’ACT (APPI Control Tool), document informatique qui accompagne le technicien a chaque étape de son travail de contrôle, a été au centre de la formation et les participants en ont acquis une maîtrise parfaite.
Ils ont également acquis de solides compétences en réparation de voilure sous l’oeil exercé, bienveillant mais impitoyable de Mrs Chin sensei. Le large champ d’application couvrait depuis la réparation d’une petite déchirure jusqu’au changement partiel ou total d’une nervure ou d’un panneau des peaux extérieures, en passant par la reconstruction d’un point d‘ancrage arraché. Les plus avancés ont terminé la formation en réalisant des réparations particulièrement délicates, comme les ailes modernes à l’architecture compliquée peuvent présenter.
Cette formation a permis aux participants d’acquérir de réelles compétences opérationnelles dans tous les domaines du contrôle et de la réparation du matériel de parapentes. L‘équipe des formateurs les a suivi pendant les premiers temps de leur activité. Au jour où ce compte rendu est publié, ils sont presque tous sur le point d’obtenir leur qualification d’expert en maintenance APPI. Cette qualification leur permet en outre de faire apparaître leur centre de contrôle et réparation sur la carte interactive de la plateforme APPI.
Cette formation est en passe d’être officiellement reconnue par certains fabricants de parapente. Les informations seront publiées dans la page de news APPI.
Avec ces séminaires, APPI continue de contribuer à la sécurité des pilotes et à la professionnalisation des techniciens de maintenance.
La maintenance des parapentes est un point critique. Nombre d’opérateurs s’improvisent atelier de contrôle, mais ont des connaissances très basiques, partielles voire fausses sur le sujet.
Merci à Hangai san et Miyuki san pour le support, à mrs Chin sensei couture, à Okada ceinture noire de pliage de secours et à Ryota et Dow qui gèrent l’Atelier de maintenance Aerotact.
169 | in | Turkey | from 22 mar to 29 mar 2023 | with GLIDE
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Alanya exam
153 | in | Turkey | from 27 feb to 10 mar 2023 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Course | Alanya TPC
147 | in | Lebanon | from 20 feb to 28 feb 2023 | with Aeroclub Albania
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem pro Workshop-Lebanon 2023
Report of Tandem pro Workshop-Lebanon 2023
Tandem Pro-Workshop Lebanon 2023 took place in Jounieh, Lebanon from 20 to 28 Feb 2023.
This workshop was a result of two year collaboration between CLVL (Club Libanais de Vol Libre), one of the oldest aeroclub in Lebanon, and Aeroclub Albania which is an APPI school based in Albania.
The workshop was open to a large audience and in total there was 20 participants.
15 participants were pilots with tandem experience looking for pro tandem validation.
4 participants pilots were looking for the evaluation and leisure pilot certification.
One pilot had his status pending and was looking for exam to validate his pro tandem pilot certification.
The participants were mostly from Lebanon.
There was only one pilot from South Africa and one from China.
Roland Dorozhani, APPI Instructor from Albania and Mendo Veljanovski, APPI Master Instructor from Nord Macedonia were two lectors of this Workshop.
The CLVL was putting a lot of effort for creating a good class room and good environment with all the facilities to make the workshop happened.
There was enough space indoor and outdoor, just next to the class room, for the practical part of the workshop (triming the gliders and practicing the take off procedure)
The flying site was very close to the class room and the weather conditions were just perfect for the training day and practical exam. Also the flight site was very suitable with the right altitude over the water to perform the exercises required for the practical exam.
All this facilities made possible to have a successful workshop.
All the APPI program required for the Pro Tandem Workshop (U1, U2, U3, U4) was covered theoretically and practicaly in 5 full days (8 to 9 hours per day in the classroom). One day was used by pilots to practice. Two days practical exam and one day theoretical exam.
In the end of workshop 9 pilots could validate their APPI Pro Tandem Pilot certification, 5 pilots could validate their APPI Non Commercial Tandem Pilot certification, 2 pilots achieved the rate NCTP with the status "in progress" and 4 pilots could validate their APPI 5 Advanced rate.
I (Roland Dorozhani), as a creator of this pro-workshop, would like to thank all the participants for their efforts, their attitude and their patients during the workshop, also the CLVL for making possible this workshop happening.
Big thanks is going for the APPI pedagogical committee for the support before and during the workshop.
Big thanks is going for Master Instructor Mendo Veljanovski. He was ready to interfere and help whenever needed.
See you in next pro workshop!🙏🙏🙏
155 | in | United Arab Emirates | from 16 feb to 22 jan 2023 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | UAE TPW
Report of UAE TPW
The UAE tandem pro workshop was held from January 16 to 22 at Sky Adventure School in the Al Faya desert.
Shahin Fallah,APPI Master instructor and Middle East representative,organized this workshop.
During the 7 days of back-to-back workshops, advanced knowledge is shared.
Four main topics:
- Equipment and materials from the perspective of aging control and flight ability evaluation.
Aerodynamics and piloting: the development of paraglider design and its implications for piloting.
- Weather (advanced forecasting), safety, psychology, performance, and regulations,
Tandem Flying: Safety Techniques and Procedures
Pilots from the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Spain, and Mexico were present in this workshop.
Mr. Nasser Al Neyadi, president of UAE air sports federation, made a lot of effort to hold this workshop. He also got acquainted with the scientific and technical content by participating in this Pro workshop.
After the theoretical days in the classroom, pilots demonstrated their practical abilities.
APPI licenses are issued for participants who passed the theory and practical exams. (APPI 2 & APPI 3 level)
Since the Alfaya site has a low altitude, we are waiting for permission to fly over the sea to finalize the practical tests and evaluate UAE resident tandem pilots' ability to perform SIV maneuvers or provide required videos.
154 | in | Turkey | from 4 feb to 15 feb 2023 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Course | Alanya TPC
151 | in | Hong Kong | from 7 jan to 8 jan 2023 | with Latroube Adventures
Pilot Workshop | Pilot Workshop Hong Kong 2023
146 | in | Uruguay | from 3 dec to 8 dec 2022 | with Flyinfrog
Maintenance Pro-Course | check & repair Montevideo
Report of check & repair Montevideo
find spanish and french version below
Pro-course CHECK & REPAIR , Montevideo Uruguay, 03-08 December 2022
The first professional training "expert in check and repair paragliding" was scheduled in March 2020... and it was the first of a long list of APPI pro-trainings canceled because of Covid. It took a little more than two years to be able to restart the project, and 6 participants from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Japan and the USA met finally in Montevideo, Uruguay in December 2022.
The workshop, which was specially adapted to accommodate and train 6 people, had classrooms and a repair area with 4 sewing stations in addition to stations dedicated to measuring lines, etc...
The training given by Manu Bonte and Vicky Casabone was programmed on a very intense schedule... but the participants, highly motivated, greatly exceeded the training time.
A first segment of 12 hours exposed the concepts necessary to the good understanding of the issues related to aging and airworthiness criteria. To this end, advanced notions dealing with materials, but also with glider design, flight tests and certification norms were studied. Then the methods to be used to control the flight material and to repair it in an efficient and relevant way were exposed.
The second segment of 38 hours was on the practical application of the concepts introduced previously. In groups of 3 students per instructor, the participants acquired a real know-how on all aspects of inspection and repair. Among other things: general inspection of the equipment - measurement and correction of the trim - measurement of the lines strength - inspection, folding and integration of the reserves - revision of harnesses and connectors...
They have also acquired the necessary skills to manufacture lines by sewing or splicing, and to repair the canopy. On this last point, we covered everything from the repair of a small tear to the partial or total change of a rib or a panel of the outer skins, including the reconstruction of a torn anchor point.
An optional third part of 1 to 3 additional days (24 hours), which was widely acclaimed, allowed participants to improve their skills on technical points of their choice.
This training allowed the participants to acquire real operational skills in all areas of paragliding equipment control and repair. They will be coached by the instructors during the first stages of their activity, and will then receive their final qualification of APPI maintenance expert. This qualification will allow them to display their control and repair center on the interactive map of the platform.
This training is about to be officially recognized by some paraglider manufacturers. The information will be published in the APPI news page.
With these courses, APPI continues to contribute to the safety of pilots and the professionalization of maintenance technicians.
The maintenance of paragliders is a critical point and the current situation is somehow worrying. Many operators advertise themselves as maintenance technicians, but have very basic, partial or even false knowledge on the subject. We regularly check canopies that have just been overhauled and that do not meet airworthiness criteria or are even dangerous.
At a time when the world paragliding community is beginning to understand the risks associated with aging and the need to have their equipment serviced, it is important to provide them with a quality service from competent maintenance technicians.
CHECK & REPAIR pro-course, Montevideo Uruguay, 03-08 diciembre 2022
El primer curso de formación profesional "experto en revisión y reparación de parapentes" estuvo programado para marzo de 2020... y fue el primer de una lista larga de curso de la APPI cancelados debido a Covid. El proyecto tardó algo más de dos años en volver a ponerse en marcha, y 6 participantes de Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Japón y EE.UU. se reunieron en Montevideo (Uruguay) en diciembre de 2022.
El taller, especialmente adaptado para acoger y formar a 6 personas, disponía de 4 puestos de costura, además de estaciones dedicadas a las mediciones de líneas etc.
La formación impartida por Manu Bonte y Vicky Casabone se programó a un ritmo muy intenso... pero los participantes, muy motivados, lograron superar las horas de práctica programadas.
La primera parte del curso, de 12 horas de duración, presentó los conceptos necesarios para entender los problemas asociados al envejecimiento, y los criterios de aeronavegabilidad. Para ello, se estudiaron nociones avanzadas relativas a los materiales, pero también al diseño de alas, el oficio del piloto test y la homologación. A continuación se explicaron los métodos que deben utilizarse para comprobar el material de vuelo y repararlo de forma eficaz y pertinente.
La segunda parte se dedicó a la formación práctica. En 38 horas, grupos de 3 alumnos por instructor, los participantes adquirieron conocimientos reales sobre todos los aspectos de la inspección y la reparación. Entre otras cosas: inspección general del equipo - medición y corrección del calado - medición de la resistencia de las líneas - inspección plegado e integración de reservas - comprobación de los arneses y conectores...
También han adquirido los conocimientos necesarios para fabricar líneas cosidas o embutidas, y para reparar el ala: desde la reparación de un pequeño desgarro hasta el cambio parcial o total de una costilla o un panel de las pieles exteriores, pasando por la reconstrucción de un punto de anclaje desgarrado.
Una tercera parte opcional de 1 a 3 días adicionales (24 horas), que fue ampliamente apreciada, permitió a los participantes mejorar sus competencias en puntos técnicos de su elección.
Con este curso, los participantes adquirieron competencias operativas reales en todos los ámbitos de la inspección y reparación de equipos de parapente. Serán supervisados por el equipo docente durante las primeras fases de su actividad, y a continuación recibirán su cualificación final de experto en mantenimiento de la APPI. Esta cualificación les permitirá incluir su centro de reparación e inspección en el mapa interactivo de la plataforma.
Esta formación está en proceso de ser reconocida oficialmente por algunos fabricantes de parapentes. La información se publicará en la página de noticias de la APPI.
Con estos cursos, la APPI sigue contribuyendo a la seguridad de los pilotos y a la profesionalización de los técnicos de mantenimiento.
El mantenimiento de los parapentes es una cuestión crítica y la situación actual es preocupante. Muchos operadores improvisan un taller de control, y tienen conocimientos muy básicos, parciales o incluso falsos sobre el tema. A menudo checkeamos alas que acaban de ser revisadas y que no cumplen los criterios de aeronavegabilidad o son peligrosas.
A medida que la comunidad mundial del parapente empieza a entender los riesgos asociados al envejecimiento y la necesidad de revisar sus equipos, es importante ofrecerles un servicio de calidad a cargo de técnicos de mantenimiento competentes.
Pro-course CHECK & REPAIR , Montevideo Uruguay, 03-08 décembre 2022
La première formation professionnelle « expert en contrôle et réparation parapente» avait été programmée en mars 2020... et elle a été la première formation APPI annulée à cause du Covid. Il aura fallu un peu plus de deux ans pour pouvoir relancer le projet, et 6 participants venus d’Argentine, de Bolivie, de Colombie, du Japon et des USA se sont retrouvés en Uruguay à Montevideo en décembre 2022.
L’atelier qui avait été spécialement adapté pour pouvoir recevoir et former 6 personnes présentait 4 postes de couture en plus des postes dédiés à la mesure des suspentes etc...
La formation assurée par Manu Bonte et Vicky Casabone était programmée sur un rythme très intense… mais les participants sur-motivés ont réussi a pulvériser le nombre d’heures de pratique.
Une première partie de 12 heures exposait les concepts nécessaires à la bonne compréhension des problèmes liés au vieillissement et aux critères de navigabilité. A cet effet ont été étudiées des notions avancées traitant des matériaux, mais également de la conception, de la mise au point et de l’homologation. Puis ce sont les méthodes à mettre en œuvre pour contrôler le matériel de vol et pour le réparer de manière efficace et pertinente qui furent exposées.
Ensuite, une large place a été donnée à la pratique (38 heures). En groupe de 3 élèves par instructeur , les participants ont acquis un véritable savoir faire sur tous les aspects du contrôle et de la réparation . Entre autres :Inspection générale du matériel - mesure et correction du calage - mesure de la résistance des suspentes - inspection repliage et intégration des secours - révision des sellettes et connecteurs…
Ils ont également acquis les compétences nécessaires à la fabrication des suspentes par couture ou épissure, et à la réparation de la voilure. Sur ce dernier point, le large champ d’application couvrait depuis la réparation d’une petite déchirure jusqu’au changement partiel ou total d’une nervure ou d’un panneau des peaux extérieures, en passant par la reconstruction d’un point d‘ancrage arraché.
Une troisième partie optionnelle de 1 à 3 jours supplémentaires (24 heures) qui a été largement plébiscitée permettait aux participants d’améliorer leur habilité sur des points techniques de leur choix.
Cette formation a permis aux participants d’acquérir de réelles compétences opérationnelles dans tous les domaines du contrôle et de la réparation du matériel de parapentes. Ils seront suivis par l ‘équipe des formateurs pendant les premiers temps de leur activité, puis recevront leur qualification finale d’expert en maintenance APPI. Cette qualification leur permettra de faire apparaître leur centre de contrôle et réparation sur la carte interactive de la plateforme.
Cette formation est en passe d’être officiellement reconnue par certains fabricants de parapente. Les informations seront publiées dans la page de news APPI.
Avec ces séminaires, APPI continue de contribuer à la sécurité des pilotes et à la professionnalisation des techniciens de maintenance.
La maintenance des parapentes est un point critique et situation actuelle est pour le moins préoccupante. Nombre d’opérateurs s’improvisent atelier de contrôle, mais ont des connaissances très basiques, partielles voire fausses sur le sujet. Il nous arrive régulièrement de vérifier des voiles qui sortent de révision et qui n’entrent pas dans les critères de navigabilité ou même qui sont dangereuses.
A l’heure ou la communauté mondiale des parapentistes commence à comprendre les risques liés au vieillissement et la nécessité de faire réviser son matériel, il est important de leur assurer un service de qualité fourni par des techniciens maintenance compétents.
143 | in | Turkey | from 21 nov to 27 nov 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz given in English Nov
150 | in | India | from 19 nov to 4 mar 2023 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Instructor Pro- workshop
Report of Instructor Pro- workshop
REPORT : APPI Pro Instructor Workshop, INDIA
The APPI Instructor workshop was held from 19th Nov to 04th March 2023 by Temple Pilots School & Club, in Morni Hills (Haryana) INDIA.
Master Instructor Avi Malik(10135) , Instructor Roland Dorozhani (10768) & Instructor Jitendra Chindaliya (12148) were part of this Workshop Staff.
The workshop was open for a large audience & in total there were 15 participants majorly from India & Nepal & a few from Hongkong.
All Participants were mainly with Tandem experience and only some had good training experience. They wanted to experience the Instructor Workshop to understand APPI Training methods & standards.
The workshop was done in two languages simultaneously, English & Hindi.
Personalised attention was given to each participant depending on their & level & comfort with the language.
During the Workshop, we had back-to-back Theory sessions where advanced knowledge was shared -
Four main topics: ( U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6)
Everyday 8-9 Hours were given for Theory sessions using white board, Projector screen & video presentations.
After the theoretical days in the classroom, we did not get much opportunity for field work for Instructors.
APPI licenses are issued for participants who passed the theory and practical exams.
Since there were site & weather limitations, some participants couldn't achieve expected Rating in Morni Hills, they were given another attempt in Kamshet & Nepali pilots were given the option of Video Exams under the presence of an APPI Instructor.
Second attempt of the field exams was held in kamshet where they also got an opportunity to work in Templepilots Paragliding School under a Master Instructor & acquire more training skills & abilities. This opportunity to work in an APPI School was very advantageous & we could achieve good success.
Out of 15 Participants, only 02 could achieve APPI Instructor Rating & 02 achieved Assistant Instructor Rating. Rest all are Assistant Instructor ‘In Progress’ Rated. Overall it was Great experience of Instructor Pro-Workshop with loads of knowledge & Joy.
Big Thanks to APPI Pedagogical committee for the support during the workshop along with the technical glitches.
In Summary it was a great success to introduce & promote APPI Education & Rating System at the Professional Level particularly in India & in Asia at large.
We Hope to conduct more such Workshops in the near Future.
137 | in | Argentina | from 18 nov to 29 nov 2022 | with Flyinfrog
Instructor Pro-Workshop | pro-instructor Tucuman 2022
Report of pro-instructor Tucuman 2022
Report en Castellano // English // Francais
Pro-talleres TANDEM e INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 Noviembre 2022
Este doble programa de pro-talleres tiene una historia especial. Es el resultado de un ambicioso acuerdo de cooperación que se firmó entre la Federación Argentina de Vuelo Libre "FAVL" y la APPI a finales de 2021. La Comisión Directiva de la FAVL puso mucha energía para hacer posible este programa a pesar de las incertidumbres que subsistían en cuanto a la normativa sanitaria. La organización estuvo a cargo de Sergio Bujazha y su equipo de "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucumán fue sede del 17º Campeonato Mundial de Parapente en 2021. El sitio de Loma Bola es por lo tanto reconocido por sus condiciones de vuelo y ha demostrado ser excelente para el programa de taller profesional de la APPI. En primer lugar, los dioses del tiempo fueron generosos al regalarnos 20 días de vuelo seguidos. Los 21 pilotos biplaza profesional y los 11 instructores de parapente de Argentina, pero también de Bolivia, Ecuador y Guatemala, pudieron demostrar todo su talento y añadir algunas cuerdas a su arco. El aula era ubicada en una antigua universidad con grandes espacios, alejada de la ciudad y lo suficientemente alta como para ofrecer un aire relativamente fresco. Era situada en el corazón de un enorme parque con árboles centenarios y muchas especies de pájaros y animales que le daban algo mágico.
El equipo docente estaba compuesto por los instructores Mariela Guzmán Livingston (Argentina), Martín Vallmitjana (Argentina) y los máster instructores Pablo López (Argentina) y Manu Bonte (Francia).
Las últimas innovaciones de la plataforma APPI permitieron a los participantes prepararse de manera óptima antes de los talleres. Hay que alabar el afán de los participantes por actualizar sus conocimientos: muchos de ellos ya poseían una habilitación profesional nacional. Los que obtuvieron la habilitación internacional de la APPI tienen ahora nuevas oportunidades profesionales fuera de su país.
Este seminario fue una oportunidad para muchos pilotos de actualizar sus conocimientos de pilotaje con la certificación mandatoria SIV. Pablo López, SIV Master Instructor, leyenda del acro y fundador del equipo SAT, ofreció dicha formación antes de los talleres. Los participantes pudieron mejorar sus habilidades técnicas en este punto esencial.
Durante los 8 días del taller tándem, se compartieron conocimientos esenciales y avanzados.
Cuatro temas principales:
-Equipamiento y material desde la perspectiva del control del envejecimiento y la evaluación de la aeronavegabilidad.
-Aerodinámica y pilotaje: evolución del diseño del parapente y consecuencias en el pilotaje,
-Metereología (previsión avanzada), seguridad, control emocional, rendimiento y reglamentación,
-Vuelo biplaza: técnicas y procedimientos de seguridad.
11 pilotos obtuvieron la calificación de APPI tándem PRO, y 2 tándem no comercial.
El seminario de instructores, de 12 días de duración, también fue muy intenso. La proporción de 4 docentes para 11 participantes fue un punto clave del éxito: permitió una supervisión eficaz y muy personalizada. La experiencia de cada miembro del equipo docente y su conocimiento de los métodos y herramientas de enseñanza de la APPI fueron decisivos. La elevada proporción de tiempo de campo (50%) permitió a los participantes adquirir experiencia real en el ámbito educativo, utilizando las herramientas pedagógicas de la APPI en casos reales. La integración de estudiantes reales fue supervisada de forma muy precisa por el personal de acuerdo con el nivel real de los aspirantes a instructores APPI, y añadió un verdadero plus al programa.
6 participantes certificados como instructores APPI, 4 de ellos han demostrado un potencial real de máster. 3 participantes certificaron asistente instructor APPI.
En los pro-talleres de la APPI, se comprueba sistemáticamente el trimado de los parapentes utilizados. Algunos de ellos estaban claramente fuera de las tolerancias permitidas a pesar de haber sido revisados por talleres locales.La APPI también cuenta con un programa de formación en "comprobación y reparación" para talleres de mantenimiento.
Con estos seminarios, la APPI sigue contribuyendo a la seguridad y profesionalidad de los pilotos e instructores de biplaza.
Pro-workshops TANDEM and INSTRUCTOR , Tucuman Argentina, 08-29 November 2022
Pro-workshops TANDEM and INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 November 2022
This double program of pro-workshops has a special history. It is the result of an ambitious cooperation agreement that was signed between the Argentinian Free Flight Federation "FAVL" and APPI at the end of 2021. The FAVL Board put a lot of energy into making this program possible despite the uncertainties that remained regarding sanitary regulations. The organization was orchestrated by Sergio Bujazha and his team from "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucuman hosted the 17th World Paragliding Championships in 2021. The site of Loma Bola is therefore renowned for its flying conditions and has proven to be excellent for APPI professional training. First of all the weather gods were generous in giving us 20 flying days in a row. The 21 professional tandem pilots and 11 paragliding instructors from Argentina, but also from Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala, were able to show the extent of their talent and add some strings to their bow.
The classroom was hosted in an old university with large spaces, away from the city and high enough to offer a relatively fresh air. It was located in the heart of a huge park with century-old trees and many species of birds and animals that had a magical feel to it.
The teaching team was composed of instructors Mariela Guzman Livingston (Argentina), Martin Vallmitjana (Argentina), and master instructors Pablo Lopez (Argentina) and Manu Bonte (France).
The latest developments of the APPI platform allowed the participants to prepare themselves in an optimal way before the seminar. The participants' thirst for updating their knowledge is to be commended: many of them already held a national professional rating. Those who obtained the APPI international rating now have new professional opportunities outside their country.
This seminar was an opportunity for many pilots to refresh their piloting skills with the mandatory SIV certification. Pablo Lopez, SIV Master Instructor, acro legend and founder of the SAT team, offered such a training before the workshops. The participants were able to improve their technical skills on this essential point.
During the 8 days tandem workshop, essential and advanced knowledge was shared.
Four main topics:
-Equipment and material from the perspective of ageing control and airworthiness assessment.
-Aerodynamics and piloting: evolution of paraglider design and consequences on piloting,
-Weather (advanced forecast), safety, mental, performance and regulations,
-Tandem flight: techniques and safety procedures.
11 pilots obtained the APPI tandem PRO qualification, and 2 a tandem non commercial ratig.
The 12-day instructor seminar was also very intense. The ratio of 4 teachers for 11 participants was a key point of success: it allowed an efficient and very personalized supervision. The experience of each member of the teaching team and their knowledge of APPI teaching methods and tools were decisive. The high proportion of field time (50%) allowed participants to acquire real experience in the education field, using APPI pedagogical tools in real cases. The integration of real students was very precisely supervised by the staff according to the real level of the aspiring APPI instructors, and added a real plus to the program.
6 participants certified APPI instructors, 4 of them have demonstrated a real potential of master. 3 participants certified APPI assistant instructor.
In the APPI pro-workshops, the trim of the gliders used is systematically checked. Some of them were clearly out of the permissible tolerances even though they had been overhauled by local workshops.
APPI also has a "check and repair" training program for maintenance shops.
With these seminars APPI continues to contribute to the safety and professionalism of tandem pilots and instructors.
Pro-workshops TANDEM et INSTRUCTOR , Tucuman Argentine, 08-29 novembre 2022
Pro-workshops TANDEM et INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 Novembre 2022
Ce double programme de pro-workshops a une histoire particulière. Il est le fruit d'un accord de coopération ambitieux qui a été signé entre la fédération argentine de vol libre "FAVL" et APPI fin 2021. Le conseil d'administration de la FAVL a déployé beaucoup d'énergie pour rendre ce programme possible malgré les incertitudes qui subsistaient quant aux réglementations sanitaires. L'organisation a été orchestrée par Sergio Bujazha et son équipe de "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucuman a accueilli les 17e championnats du monde de parapente en 2021. Le site de Loma Bola est donc réputé pour ses conditions de vol et s’est avéré excellent pour les formations professionnelles APPI. Tout d'abord les dieux de la météo ont été généreux nous offrant 20 jours volables d'affilée. Les 21 pilotes tandem professionnels et les 11 instructeurs de parapente venus d'Argentine, mais aussi de Bolivie, d’Equateur et du Guatemala, ont pu montrer l'étendue de leur talent et ajouter quelques cordes à leur arc.
La salle de classe se trouvait dans une ancienne université offrant de grands espaces, à l'écart de la ville et suffisamment en hauteur pour offrir un air relativement frais. Celle-ci était située au cœur d'un immense parc aux arbres centenaires abritant de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux et d'animaux qui avait un petit côté magique.
L'équipe pédagogique était composée des instructeurs Mariela Guzman Livingston (Argentine), Martin Vallmitjana (Argentine), et des master instructeurs Pablo Lopez (Argentine) et Manu Bonte (France).
Les derniers développements de la plateforme APPI permettaient aux participants de se préparer de façon optimale avant le séminaire. Il faut saluer la soif d'actualisation des connaissances des participants : un bon nombre d'entre eux étaient déjà titulaires d'une certification professionnelle nationale. Ceux qui ont obtenu la certification internationale APPI ont maintenant de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles en dehors de leur pays.
Ce séminaire a été l'occasion pour de nombreux pilotes de rafraîchir leurs connaissances en matière de pilotage grâce à la certification SIV obligatoire. Pablo Lopez, master instructeur SIV et légende de l'acro fondateur du team SAT a proposé une formation au pilotage avant les workshops. Les participants ont pu améliorer leurs compétences techniques sur ce point essentiel.
Pendant le workshop tandem, des connaissances essentielles et avancées ont été partagées.
Quatre thèmes principaux :
-L'équipement et le matériel sous l'angle du contrôle du vieillissement et de l'évaluation de la navigabilité.
-Aérodynamique et pilotage : évolution du design des parapentes et conséquences sur le pilotage,
-Météo (prévision avancée), sécurité, mental, performance et réglementation,
-Vol en tandem : techniques et procédures de sécurité.
11 pilotes ont obtenu la qualification APPI tandem PRO, et deux la qualification APPI tandem non commercial
Le séminaire instructeur de 12 jours a lui aussi été trés intense. Le ratio de 4 enseignants pour 11 participants a été un point clé de la réussite : il a permis un encadrement efficace et très personnalisé. L'expérience de chaque membre de l'équipe pédagogique et sa connaissance des méthodes et outils pédagogiques APPI ont été déterminantes. La proportion de temps de terrain importante (50%) a permis aux participants d'acquérir une réelle expérience du métier de formateur, en utilisant les outils pédagogiques APPI dans des cas réels.
L'intégration d'élèves réels a été encadrée très précisément par le staff en fonction du niveau réel des aspirants instructeurs APPI, et a été un réel plus.
6 participants sont certifiés instructeur APPI, 4 d'entre eux ont démontré un réel potentiel de master. 3 participants certfient assistant instructeur.
Dans les pro-workshops APPI, le calage des parapentes utilisés est systématiquement vérifié. Certains étaient clairement en dehors des tolérances admissibles alors qu’ils avaient été révisés par des ateliers locaux.
APPI a également un programme de formation "check and repair" pour les ateliers de contrôle.
Avec ces séminaires, APPI continue de contribuer à la sécurité et à la professionnalisation des pilotes biplace et des instructeurs.
148 | in | Hong Kong | from 10 nov to 30 nov 2022 | with Latroube Adventures
Assistant Instructor Course | Assistant Instructor Course
136 | in | Argentina | from 8 nov to 15 nov 2022 | with Flyinfrog
Tandem Pro-Workshop | pro-bipla Tucuman 2022
Report of pro-bipla Tucuman 2022
Report en castellano // english // Francais
Pro-talleres TANDEM e INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 Noviembre 2022
Este doble programa de pro-talleres tiene una historia especial. Es el resultado de un ambicioso acuerdo de cooperación que se firmó entre la Federación Argentina de Vuelo Libre "FAVL" y la APPI a finales de 2021. La Comisión Directiva de la FAVL puso mucha energía para hacer posible este programa a pesar de las incertidumbres que subsistían en cuanto a la normativa sanitaria. La organización estuvo a cargo de Sergio Bujazha y su equipo de "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucumán fue sede del 17º Campeonato Mundial de Parapente en 2021. El sitio de Loma Bola es por lo tanto reconocido por sus condiciones de vuelo y ha demostrado ser excelente para el programa de taller profesional de la APPI. En primer lugar, los dioses del tiempo fueron generosos al regalarnos 20 días de vuelo seguidos. Los 21 pilotos biplaza profesional y los 11 instructores de parapente de Argentina, pero también de Bolivia, Ecuador y Guatemala, pudieron demostrar todo su talento y añadir algunas cuerdas a su arco. El aula era ubicada en una antigua universidad con grandes espacios, alejada de la ciudad y lo suficientemente alta como para ofrecer un aire relativamente fresco. Era situada en el corazón de un enorme parque con árboles centenarios y muchas especies de pájaros y animales que le daban algo mágico.
El equipo docente estaba compuesto por los instructores Mariela Guzmán Livingston (Argentina), Martín Vallmitjana (Argentina) y los máster instructores Pablo López (Argentina) y Manu Bonte (Francia).
Las últimas innovaciones de la plataforma APPI permitieron a los participantes prepararse de manera óptima antes de los talleres. Hay que alabar el afán de los participantes por actualizar sus conocimientos: muchos de ellos ya poseían una habilitación profesional nacional. Los que obtuvieron la habilitación internacional de la APPI tienen ahora nuevas oportunidades profesionales fuera de su país.
Este seminario fue una oportunidad para muchos pilotos de actualizar sus conocimientos de pilotaje con la certificación mandatoria SIV. Pablo López, SIV Master Instructor, leyenda del acro y fundador del equipo SAT, ofreció dicha formación antes de los talleres. Los participantes pudieron mejorar sus habilidades técnicas en este punto esencial.
Durante los 8 días del taller tándem, se compartieron conocimientos esenciales y avanzados.
Cuatro temas principales:
-Equipamiento y material desde la perspectiva del control del envejecimiento y la evaluación de la aeronavegabilidad.
-Aerodinámica y pilotaje: evolución del diseño del parapente y consecuencias en el pilotaje,
-Metereología (previsión avanzada), seguridad, control emocional, rendimiento y reglamentación,
-Vuelo biplaza: técnicas y procedimientos de seguridad.
11 pilotos obtuvieron la calificación de APPI tándem PRO, y 2 tándem no comercial.
El seminario de instructores, de 12 días de duración, también fue muy intenso. La proporción de 4 docentes para 11 participantes fue un punto clave del éxito: permitió una supervisión eficaz y muy personalizada. La experiencia de cada miembro del equipo docente y su conocimiento de los métodos y herramientas de enseñanza de la APPI fueron decisivos. La elevada proporción de tiempo de campo (50%) permitió a los participantes adquirir experiencia real en el ámbito educativo, utilizando las herramientas pedagógicas de la APPI en casos reales. La integración de estudiantes reales fue supervisada de forma muy precisa por el personal de acuerdo con el nivel real de los aspirantes a instructores APPI, y añadió un verdadero plus al programa.
6 participantes certificados como instructores APPI, 4 de ellos han demostrado un potencial real de máster. 3 participantes certificaron asistente instructor APPI.
En los pro-talleres de la APPI, se comprueba sistemáticamente el trimado de los parapentes utilizados. Algunos de ellos estaban claramente fuera de las tolerancias permitidas a pesar de haber sido revisados por talleres locales.La APPI también cuenta con un programa de formación en "comprobación y reparación" para talleres de mantenimiento.
Con estos seminarios, la APPI sigue contribuyendo a la seguridad y profesionalidad de los pilotos e instructores de biplaza.
Pro-workshops TANDEM and INSTRUCTOR , Tucuman Argentina, 08-29 November 2022
Pro-workshops TANDEM and INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 November 2022
This double program of pro-workshops has a special history. It is the result of an ambitious cooperation agreement that was signed between the Argentinian Free Flight Federation "FAVL" and APPI at the end of 2021. The FAVL Board put a lot of energy into making this program possible despite the uncertainties that remained regarding sanitary regulations. The organization was orchestrated by Sergio Bujazha and his team from "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucuman hosted the 17th World Paragliding Championships in 2021. The site of Loma Bola is therefore renowned for its flying conditions and has proven to be excellent for APPI professional training. First of all the weather gods were generous in giving us 20 flying days in a row. The 21 professional tandem pilots and 11 paragliding instructors from Argentina, but also from Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala, were able to show the extent of their talent and add some strings to their bow.
The classroom was hosted in an old university with large spaces, away from the city and high enough to offer a relatively fresh air. It was located in the heart of a huge park with century-old trees and many species of birds and animals that had a magical feel to it.
The teaching team was composed of instructors Mariela Guzman Livingston (Argentina), Martin Vallmitjana (Argentina), and master instructors Pablo Lopez (Argentina) and Manu Bonte (France).
The latest developments of the APPI platform allowed the participants to prepare themselves in an optimal way before the seminar. The participants' thirst for updating their knowledge is to be commended: many of them already held a national professional rating. Those who obtained the APPI international rating now have new professional opportunities outside their country.
This seminar was an opportunity for many pilots to refresh their piloting skills with the mandatory SIV certification. Pablo Lopez, SIV Master Instructor, acro legend and founder of the SAT team, offered such a training before the workshops. The participants were able to improve their technical skills on this essential point.
During the 8 days tandem workshop, essential and advanced knowledge was shared.
Four main topics:
-Equipment and material from the perspective of ageing control and airworthiness assessment.
-Aerodynamics and piloting: evolution of paraglider design and consequences on piloting,
-Weather (advanced forecast), safety, mental, performance and regulations,
-Tandem flight: techniques and safety procedures.
11 pilots obtained the APPI tandem PRO qualification, and 2 a tandem non commercial ratig.
The 12-day instructor seminar was also very intense. The ratio of 4 teachers for 11 participants was a key point of success: it allowed an efficient and very personalized supervision. The experience of each member of the teaching team and their knowledge of APPI teaching methods and tools were decisive. The high proportion of field time (50%) allowed participants to acquire real experience in the education field, using APPI pedagogical tools in real cases. The integration of real students was very precisely supervised by the staff according to the real level of the aspiring APPI instructors, and added a real plus to the program.
6 participants certified APPI instructors, 4 of them have demonstrated a real potential of master. 3 participants certified APPI assistant instructor.
In the APPI pro-workshops, the trim of the gliders used is systematically checked. Some of them were clearly out of the permissible tolerances even though they had been overhauled by local workshops.
APPI also has a "check and repair" training program for maintenance shops.
With these seminars APPI continues to contribute to the safety and professionalism of tandem pilots and instructors.
Pro-workshops TANDEM et INSTRUCTOR , Tucuman Argentine, 08-29 novembre 2022
Pro-workshops TANDEM et INSTRUCTOR , Tucumán Argentina, 08-29 Novembre 2022
Ce double programme de pro-workshops a une histoire particulière. Il est le fruit d'un accord de coopération ambitieux qui a été signé entre la fédération argentine de vol libre "FAVL" et APPI fin 2021. Le conseil d'administration de la FAVL a déployé beaucoup d'énergie pour rendre ce programme possible malgré les incertitudes qui subsistaient quant aux réglementations sanitaires. L'organisation a été orchestrée par Sergio Bujazha et son équipe de "Loma Bola Vuelo y aventura".
Tucuman a accueilli les 17e championnats du monde de parapente en 2021. Le site de Loma Bola est donc réputé pour ses conditions de vol et s’est avéré excellent pour les formations professionnelles APPI. Tout d'abord les dieux de la météo ont été généreux nous offrant 20 jours volables d'affilée. Les 21 pilotes tandem professionnels et les 11 instructeurs de parapente venus d'Argentine, mais aussi de Bolivie, d’Equateur et du Guatemala, ont pu montrer l'étendue de leur talent et ajouter quelques cordes à leur arc.
La salle de classe se trouvait dans une ancienne université offrant de grands espaces, à l'écart de la ville et suffisamment en hauteur pour offrir un air relativement frais. Celle-ci était située au cœur d'un immense parc aux arbres centenaires abritant de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux et d'animaux qui avait un petit côté magique.
L'équipe pédagogique était composée des instructeurs Mariela Guzman Livingston (Argentine), Martin Vallmitjana (Argentine), et des master instructeurs Pablo Lopez (Argentine) et Manu Bonte (France).
Les derniers développements de la plateforme APPI permettaient aux participants de se préparer de façon optimale avant le séminaire. Il faut saluer la soif d'actualisation des connaissances des participants : un bon nombre d'entre eux étaient déjà titulaires d'une certification professionnelle nationale. Ceux qui ont obtenu la certification internationale APPI ont maintenant de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles en dehors de leur pays.
Ce séminaire a été l'occasion pour de nombreux pilotes de rafraîchir leurs connaissances en matière de pilotage grâce à la certification SIV obligatoire. Pablo Lopez, master instructeur SIV et légende de l'acro fondateur du team SAT a proposé une formation au pilotage avant les workshops. Les participants ont pu améliorer leurs compétences techniques sur ce point essentiel.
Pendant le workshop tandem, des connaissances essentielles et avancées ont été partagées.
Quatre thèmes principaux :
-L'équipement et le matériel sous l'angle du contrôle du vieillissement et de l'évaluation de la navigabilité.
-Aérodynamique et pilotage : évolution du design des parapentes et conséquences sur le pilotage,
-Météo (prévision avancée), sécurité, mental, performance et réglementation,
-Vol en tandem : techniques et procédures de sécurité.
11 pilotes ont obtenu la qualification APPI tandem PRO, et deux la qualification APPI tandem non commercial
Le séminaire instructeur de 12 jours a lui aussi été trés intense. Le ratio de 4 enseignants pour 11 participants a été un point clé de la réussite : il a permis un encadrement efficace et très personnalisé. L'expérience de chaque membre de l'équipe pédagogique et sa connaissance des méthodes et outils pédagogiques APPI ont été déterminantes. La proportion de temps de terrain importante (50%) a permis aux participants d'acquérir une réelle expérience du métier de formateur, en utilisant les outils pédagogiques APPI dans des cas réels.
L'intégration d'élèves réels a été encadrée très précisément par le staff en fonction du niveau réel des aspirants instructeurs APPI, et a été un réel plus.
6 participants sont certifiés instructeur APPI, 4 d'entre eux ont démontré un réel potentiel de master. 3 participants certfient assistant instructeur.
Dans les pro-workshops APPI, le calage des parapentes utilisés est systématiquement vérifié. Certains étaient clairement en dehors des tolérances admissibles alors qu’ils avaient été révisés par des ateliers locaux.
APPI a également un programme de formation "check and repair" pour les ateliers de contrôle.
Avec ces séminaires, APPI continue de contribuer à la sécurité et à la professionnalisation des pilotes biplace et des instructeurs.
149 | in | India | from 6 nov to 15 nov 2022 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tandem pro workshop
Report of Tandem pro workshop
New Edited & Final Report :
REPORT : APPI Pro Tandem Workshop, INDIA
The APPI Tandem pro workshop was held from 6th November 2022 to 18 March 2022 by Temple Pilots School & Club, in Morni Hills (Haryana) INDIA.
Master Instructor Avi Malik(10135) , Instructor Roland Dorozhani (10768) & Instructor Jitendra Chindaliya (12148) were part of this Workshop Staff.
The workshop was open for a large audience & in total there were 20 participants majorly from India & Nepal & a few from Hongkong.
All Participants were with Tandem experience and Looking forward for Pro Tandem Rating.
The workshop was done in two languages simultaneously, English & Hindi.
Personalised attention was given to each participant depending on their & level & comfort with the language.
During the 7 days, we had back-to-back Theory sessions where advanced knowledge was shared -
Four main topics: ( U1, U2, U3, U4)
Everyday 8-9 Hours were given for Theory sessions using white board, Projector screen & video presentations.
After the theoretical days in the classroom, pilots demonstrated their practical abilities.
Glider Trimming & Tandem T/O Procedures were Practiced at Base where we had ample space to work on the points mentioned above.
APPI licenses are issued for participants who passed the theory and practical exams.
1 day was given for pilots for Practice exam & 2 days Practical Field Exams were done.
At The end of Workshop 11 Participants could Achieve APPI Pro Tandem Rating (Validated)
03 Could Achieve NCTP (Validated) & 07 are still with the Status of NCTP "In Progress "
Since there were site & weather limitations, some participants couldn't achieve expected Rating in Morni Hills, they were given another attempt in Kamshet & Nepali pilots were given the option of Video Exams under the presence of an APPI Instructor.
Second attempt Of exam was held in kamshet & as per Requirement we could achieve good success.
Overall it was Great experience of Tandem Pro-Workshop with loads of knowledge & Joy.
Big Thanks to APPI Pedagogical committee for the support during the workshop along with the technical glitches.
In Summary it was a great success to introduce & promote APPI Education & Rating System at the Professional Level particularly in India & in Asia at large.
We Hope to conduct more such Workshops in the near Future.
144 | in | Turkey | from 5 nov to 10 nov 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Alanya exam
145 | in | Turkey | from 3 nov to 14 nov 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Course | Alanya TPC
140 | in | Macedonia, Republic of the North | from 7 oct to 9 oct 2022 | with Acro Macedonia
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Russian additional exams
None | in | Georgia | from 19 sep to 30 sep 2022 | with FlyToSky
Tandem Course | Запорожцева Екатерина Владимировна
133 | in | Turkey | from 3 jul to 3 jul 2022 | with Sun Paragliding
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Olüdeniz Proworkshop Exam
130 | in | Turkey | from 29 jun to 8 jul 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Course | Türkiye tandem pro course
128 | in | Colombia | from 2 jun to 10 jun 2022 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Pro-Workshop | TANDEM PRO Workshop - Colombia, San Gil (dictado en castellano)
Report of TANDEM PRO Workshop - Colombia, San Gil (dictado en castellano)
report en English / castellano / francais
Pro-workshop TANDEM , San Gil Colombia, 02-10 of June 2022
This pro-workshop held with the approval of the Colombian Air Sports Federation "FEDEAEREOS" saw 36 pilots from different backgrounds and cultures converge on the famous Chicamocha Canyon: pilots from Ecuador, Mexico and of course Colombia.
The technical level was high. The attendance included pilots ranked among the best in the world, whether in acro, distance or bivy flight competition. In addition the technical level of the other pilots was generally very satisfactory.
The latest developments of the APPI platform allowed an optimal preparation of the participants before the seminar. 80% of them obtained the APPI tandem Pro qualification.
We must salute the very professional approach of some participants, who already held a national tandem pro certification, and who came to update their knowledge. Those who obtained the international APPI certification have now new professional opportunities outside their country.
The theoretical part of the seminar took place in a very comfortable and well-equipped classroom in the city of San Gil . The practical evaluation took place at the "dos ventanas" flight site in the impressive Chicamocha Canyon. All this offered optimal conditions for the training and evaluating the participants.
A top organization orchestrated by Sergio Gutierrez and his team of "Parapente Chicamocha".
The teaching team consisted of the master instructor Marko Hrgetik from the Flumen school (Valle de Bravo, Mexico) assisted by the instructor Sebastian Carpio from the Pájaros 150 school (Ecuador).
During the seminar, essential and advanced knowledge was shared.
Four main topics:
-Gear and material from the perspective of aging check and airworthiness assessment.
-Aerodynamics and piloting: evolution of paraglider design and consequences on piloting,
-Weather (advanced forecast), safety, performance and regulations,
-Tandem flight : techniques and safety procedures.
This seminar was also an opportunity for many pilots to brush up on their piloting skills through the mandatory advanced SIV certification.
Harvit Lizcano and César Arévalo proposed piloting training in Chivor lake under the control of APPI SIV instructors. Participants improved their technical skills on crucial and specific points. No doubt that it will be very useful for them in the continuation of their career of pilot.
All in all, an excellent seminar that contributes greatly to paragliding safety activity and to professionalize tandem pilots in Latin America.
Pro-taller TANDEM , San Gil Colombia, 02-10 de Junio 2022
Este pro-taller tandem se realizó con la aprobación de la Federación Colombiana de Deportes Aéreos "FEDEAEREOS" y vio converger a 36 pilotos de diferentes nacionalidades y culturas en el famoso Cañón de Chicamocha: pilotos de Ecuador, México y, por supuesto de Colombia.
El nivel técnico fue alto. Entre los participantes se encontraban pilotos entre los mejores del mundo, ya sea en competiciones de acro, distancia o vivac. Además el nivel técnico de los demás pilotos fue en general muy satisfactorio.
Los últimos desarrollos de la plataforma de la APPI permitieron una preparación óptima de los participantes antes del seminario y la tasa de éxito fue buena (80%), con 29 de ellos obteniendo la calificación de tándem Pro de la APPI.
Hay que saludar el enfoque muy profesional de los participantes que ya tenían una certificación nacional de tándem Pro, y que vinieron a actualizar sus conocimientos.
Los que superaron los exámenes obtuvieron la certificación internacional de la APPI, que les permite encontrar nuevas oportunidades profesionales fuera de su país.
La parte teórica del seminario tuvo lugar en un aula muy cómodo y bien equipado en la ciudad de San Gil . La evaluación práctica se hizo en el sitio de vuelo "dos ventanas" en el impresionante Cañón de Chicamocha. Todo ello ofreció las condiciones óptimas para la formación y evaluación de los participantes.
Una organización de primer nivel orquestrada por Sergio Gutiérrez y su equipo de "Parapente Chicamocha".
El equipo docente estaba formado por el maestro instructor Marko Hrgetik de la escuela Flumen (Valle de Bravo, México) asistido por el instructor Sebastián Carpio de la escuela Pájaros 150 (Ecuador).
Durante el seminario se compartieron conocimientos esenciales y avanzados.
Cuatro temas principales:
-Equipamiento y material desde la perspectiva de la comprobación del envejecimiento y la evaluación de la aero-navegabilidad.
-Aerodinámica y pilotaje: evolución del diseño del parapente y sus implicaciones en el pilotaje,
- Meteorología (previsión avanzada), seguridad, rendimiento y reglamentación
-Vuelo en tándem: técnicas y procedimientos de seguridad.
Este seminario fue también una oportunidad para que muchos pilotos repasaran sus habilidades de pilotaje a través de la certificación obligatoria SIV avanzada.
Harvit Lizcano y César Arévalo propusieron un entrenamiento de pilotaje en el lago de Chivor bajo el control de los instructores SIV de la APPI. Los participantes mejoraron sus abilidades técnicas en puntos muy precisos. Sin duda, les será muy útil en la continuación de su carrera de piloto.
En definitiva, un excelente pro-taller que contribuye en gran medida a la seguridad de la actividad del parapente y a la profesionalización de los pilotos biplaza de América Latina.
Pro-workshop TANDEM , San Gil Colombia, 02-10 Juin 2022
Ce pro-workshop tenu avec l’aval de la fédération colombienne de sports aériens « FEDEAEREOS » a vu converger vers les fameux canyon de Chicamocha 36 pilotes d’horizons et de cultures différentes : des pilotes d’Equateur, du Méxique et bien sûr de Colombie.
Le niveau technique était relevé. L’assistance comptait des pilotes classés parmi les meilleurs au niveau mondial, que ce soit en acro, distance ou en compétition de marche et vol. En outre le niveau technique des autres pilotes était généralement très satisfaisant.
Les dernières évolutions de la plateforme APPI ont permis une préparation optimale des participants en amont du séminaire et le taux de réussite a été bon (80%) avec 29 d’entre eux qui ont décroché la qualification APPI tandem Pro.
Il faut saluer la démarche très professionnelle de certains participants, déjà titulaires d’une certification tandem pro nationale, venus actualiser leurs connaissances.
Ceux qui ont obtenu la certification internationale APPIont maintenant de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles en dehors de leur pays.
La partie théorique du séminaire a eu lieu dans une salle de classe très confortable et parfaitement équipée dans la ville de San Gil. L'évaluation pratique a eu lieu sur le site de vol “dos ventanas “ dans l'impressionnant Canyon de Chicamocha.
Les conditions optimales étaient réunies pour la formation et l'évaluation des participants grâce à une organisation au top orchestrée par Sergio Gutierrez et son équipe de « parapente Chicamocha ».
L’équipe pédagogique était constituée du master instructeur Marko Hrgetik de l'école Flumen (Valle de bravo, Mexique) assisté de l’instructeur Sebastian Carpio de l'école Pájaros 150 (Équateur).
Au cours du séminaire, des connaissances essentielles et de pointe ont été partagées.
Quatre grands thèmes:
-Équipement et matériel sous l’angle du vieillissement et de l’évaluation de la navigabilité,
-Aérodynamique et pilotage: évolution de la conception des parapentes et implications sur le pilotage,
- Météo, sécurité, performance et réglementation
- Le vol en biplace, technique et procédures de sécurité.
Ce séminaire a été également l’occasion pour de nombreux pilotes de se remettre a niveau sur leur pilotage par le biais de la certification advanced SIV obligatoire.
Harvit Lizcano et César Arévalo ont proposé sur le lac de Chivor des formations pilotage sous le contrôle d’instructeurs SIV de APPI. Les participants ont ainsi pu améliorer leurs compétences techniques sur des points très précis très utile dans la suite de leur carrière de pilote
Au final, un excellent séminaire qui contribue grandement à la sécurité de l'activité parapente et à la professionnalisation des pilotes de parapente biplace d'Amérique latine.
121 | in | Turkey | from 9 may to 15 may 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz May TPW given in English
120 | in | Turkey | from 23 apr to 29 apr 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz April TPW
110 | in | Bulgaria | from 1 apr to 12 apr 2022 | with Sky Camp Paragliding School
Tandem Course | Sky Camp Sopot Spring tandem pilot course
119 | in | India | from 27 mar to 10 apr 2022 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem+Instructor Full Pro-Workshop | INSTRUCTOR PWS Morni Hills, Haryana
118 | in | India | from 26 mar to 2 apr 2022 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop | TANDEM PRO-WORKSHOP Morni Hills, Haryana
117 | in | Turkey | from 22 mar to 28 mar 2022 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Ölüdeniz March TPW given in Turkish
115 | in | Spain | from 12 mar to 18 mar 2022 | with Flyinfrog
Tandem Pro-Workshop | pays Vasco, dictado en castellano
113 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 25 feb to 27 feb 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | Final instructor check
114 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 25 feb to 3 mar 2022 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Tabriz club TPW
Report of Tabriz club TPW
It was not possible to take practical exam because of bad weather conditions.
112 | in | Colombia | from 23 feb to 4 mar 2022 | with Flyinfrog
Instructor Pro-Workshop | Colombia. Dictado en castellano
116 | in | Turkey | from 22 feb to 28 feb 2022 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Turkey Alanya given in Turkish
109 | in | Bulgaria | from 5 jan to 16 jan 2022 | with Sky Camp Paragliding School
Tandem Course | Sky Camp Tandem pilot course
106 | in | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | from 24 nov to 25 dec 2021 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Additional Tandem Exam For Workshop Participants | instructor exam South America
67 | in | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | from 19 nov to 24 dec 2021 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Pro-Workshop | tandem proworkshop La PAZ Bolivia
102 | in | Turkey | from 31 oct to 6 nov 2021 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop | Oludeniz tandem pro-workshop given in English
Report of Oludeniz tandem pro-workshop given in English
TPW has been done during defined dates.
First 5 days for theory and the last two days for practical training and exam.
5 people passed their exam as pro tandem pilots but only 2 of them could provide mandatory documents before the deadline.
1 of the participants finished his exam in UAE and gets his pro tandem certificate.
Feedbacks are given to the participants already and those who couldn't provide documents or fail in the exam need to wait for next pro workshop.
Shahin Fallah
101 | in | Macedonia, Republic of the North | from 1 sep to 10 sep 2021 | with Acro Macedonia
Tandem Course |
The course started in time. There were tree participants, highly motivated for new
knowledge. I had impression that they were equally interested in all different topics.
The small number of participants allowed us (me and Ivo) to trained them more, using
different methods and repeating the topics until they could have remembered.
Nice and worm weather and enough space, drag us outside to practice trimming, which
appears very attractive for the participants.
Asking feedback showed us the degree of assumption of the Unit 1: Gear. It looks like well
remembered and I consider this knowledge of great importance will not be forgotten.
Unit 2: Aerodynamics, flight mechanics, piloting
Adding vectors: Usually looks difficult for the students in general, but not for these particular
We spent unexpected longer time to make them understanding pressure, stream on an
object, cx and equation of lift and drag. After explaining speed diagrams (adding the
differences between: approximate, cross-country and acrobatic gliders), it was understood
We concluded that this was good background for further understanding of Aerodynamic and
pendulum forces.
Ivo Gerov had interesting explanation to make profile stability and instability easy
Flight mechanics and piloting were easily understood. Understanding vectors help them to
cope with the performance flying explanations.
Meteorology was very attractive to them, so we spent some time watching metoffice videos
and sufficiently long time of explanations and practicing on the papers and at the white board.
Tandem routine we start practicing front of the apartments at the beautiful sunny weather,
until they were doing the procedure automatically.
Flights from Krushevo showed that: procedure (always in less than 10m), maneuvers and
landing were performed well even in turbulent conditions.
Theoretical exams were done at the white board.
100 | in | Turkey | from 8 apr to 14 apr 2021 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
98 | in | Turkey | from 10 mar to 16 mar 2021 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
97 | in | Turkey | from 2 mar to 8 mar 2021 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
96 | in | Turkey | from 2 feb to 10 feb 2021 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
95 | in | Turkey | from 11 jan to 22 jan 2021 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Instructor Pro-Workshop |
88 | in | Turkey | from 17 nov to 29 nov 2020 | with Acro Macedonia
Tandem Course |
92 | in | Turkey | from 28 oct to 7 nov 2020 | with Oludeniz Paragliding
Tandem Course |
84 | in | United States | from 15 oct to 25 oct 2020 | with Big Sky Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
87 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 28 aug to 3 sep 2020 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
91 | in | France | from 6 jul to 12 jul 2020 | with ataka speedriding school
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
89 | in | Macedonia, Republic of the North | from 3 jul to 15 jul 2020 | with Acro Macedonia
Tandem Course |
APPI pro-tandem course from 03-015 has finished. There were 4 participants: Jovan Severov, didn't show enough knowledge to reach any tandem level, Jamie Leibert reach non-commercial tandem, Jimmy Geroux reached pro-tandem and Aleksandar Kocev reached pro-tandem
79 | in | Georgia | from 10 may to 19 may 2020 | with Extreme Style
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
76 | in | Turkey | from 15 mar to 23 mar 2020
Instructor Pro-Workshop |
78 | in | India | from 3 mar to 10 mar 2020 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
73 | in | Turkey | from 11 feb to 17 feb 2020 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
71 | in | Turkey | from 12 jan to 18 jan 2020 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
63 | in | Mexico | from 11 dec to 20 dec 2019 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Course |
65 | in | Russian Federation | from 7 dec to 17 dec 2019 | with Extreme Style
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
68 | in | Turkey | from 26 nov to 1 dec 2019 | with Crazy Diamonds Academy
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
69 | in | Colombia | from 24 nov to 30 nov 2019
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
62 | in | Mexico | from 19 nov to 24 nov 2019 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Course |
70 | in | Greece | from 17 nov to 24 nov 2019 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Course |
66 | in | Peru | from 14 nov to 20 nov 2019 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
61 | in | Mexico | from 13 nov to 18 nov 2019 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Course |
64 | in | Greece | from 15 oct to 31 oct 2019 | with Olympic Wings
Assistant Instructor Course |
60 | in | Greece | from 5 oct to 11 oct 2019 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
59 | in | Colombia | from 19 aug to 25 aug 2019 | with
Instructor Pro-Workshop |
58 | in | Russian Federation | from 30 may to 7 jun 2019 | with Extreme Style
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
53 | in | Macedonia, Republic of the North | from 17 may to 26 may 2019
Tandem Course |
55 | in | India | from 6 may to 15 may 2019 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Course |
54 | in | Colombia | from 22 apr to 1 may 2019
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
50 | in | Greece | from 30 mar to 6 apr 2019 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Course |
52 | in | United Arab Emirates | from 5 mar to 6 mar 2019 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
51 | in | Colombia | from 4 feb to 28 feb 2019
Instructor Pro-Workshop |
48 | in | Nepal | from 25 nov to 2 dec 2018 | with The Babu Adventures International School NEP
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
49 | in | Mexico | from 22 nov to 28 nov 2018 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Course |
47 | in | France | from 25 jun to 2 jul 2018 | with Go2Fly
Tandem Course |
42 | in | KO | from 21 apr to 30 apr 2018 | with Aeroclub Albania
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
43 | in | Argentina | from 12 feb to 16 feb 2018 | with Han'Vol
Tandem Course |
38 | in | Greece | from 19 nov to 28 nov 2017 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Course |
35 | in | Taiwan, Province of China | from 31 oct to 9 nov 2017
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
36 | in | Mexico | from 20 oct to 1 nov 2017 | with Paragliding school Flumen (Escuela de Vuelo)
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
40 | in | Bulgaria | from 20 oct to 27 oct 2017
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
39 | in | Spain | from 16 oct to 28 oct 2017 | with Entrenúvols
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
37 | in | France | from 4 aug to 1 jan 2019
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
28 | in | United States | from 1 apr to 10 apr 2017 | with Big Sky Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
30 | in | Greece | from 1 apr to 10 apr 2017 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
31 | in | Colombia | from 2 mar to 11 mar 2017 | with
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
26 | in | Mexico | from 24 oct to 2 nov 2016 | with Escuela de Parapente Tungurahua
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
27 | in | Iran, Islamic Republic of | from 13 oct to 23 oct 2016
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
remove questions
23 | in | Dominican Republic | from 1 jun to 9 jun 2016 | with Hawk Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
13 | in | United States | from 21 may to 30 may 2016 | with Big Sky Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
18 | in | Russian Federation | from 1 may to 10 may 2016
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
21 | in | Greece | from 23 apr to 28 apr 2016 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
19 | in | Greece | from 3 apr to 12 apr 2016 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
22 | in | Philippines | from 30 mar to 3 apr 2016
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
20 | in | India | from 28 mar to 4 apr 2016 | with Temple Pilots Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
12 | in | Argentina | from 4 dec to 12 dec 2015 | with Safety Acro Team
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
14 | in | Turkey | from 16 oct to 22 oct 2015 | with skysports paragliding
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
11 | in | Bulgaria | from 15 sep to 30 sep 2015 | with Sky Camp Paragliding School
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
10 | in | Greece | from 6 jun to 12 jun 2015 | with Olympic Wings
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
7 | in | Bosnia and Herzegovina | from 5 may to 11 may 2015 | with Paragliding Academy Sarajevo
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
5 | in | Colombia | from 9 mar to 16 mar 2015 | with
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
9 | in | Colombia | from 1 dec to 10 dec 2014
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
4 | in | China | from 30 aug to 4 sep 2014
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
2 | in | Montenegro | from 7 apr to 14 apr 2014
Instructor Pro-Workshop |
Bilan pro-workshop montenegro avril 2014 fait le 28/4/09 par manu Bonte
contact a été pris avec les acteurs locaux dès novembre 2013 et la date du pro-workshop a été arrêtée à ce moment.
zone : montenegro, albanie, bosnie herzegovine, croatie, slovénie, serbie, grece.
Public : masters et instructors APPI de la zone (balkans ouest), plus quelques prospects souhaitant entrer dans APPI
Les masters et instructors APPI locaux ont été contactés en direct par mes soins en novembre, puis via la newsletter APPI en mars, enfin par mail envoyé directement via le site web APPI. Au total 22 personnes concernées. Les pilotes locaux ont été contactés par l'organisateur.
J'avais eu confirmation de plusieurs instructeurs APPI, mais finalement la plupart ont annulé un peu avant l’événement, pour diverses raisons.
Au final on a eu payants :
1 appi instructor d'albanie en renouvellement connaissances : Roland
1 instructor de bosnie herzegovine, qui voulait entrer dans APPI : zoran de trebinje
1 pilote qui voulait valider son APPI pilot par nous (bien que excellemment formé par l'instructeur local), il sera très prochainement validé advanced via Mendo, il ne lui manque que le SIV : kristian de dubrovnik
1 pilote qui venait faire valider son APPI pilot : Darko de Herceg Novi
en sus, nous avions présents
l'instructeur APPI local qui organisait Dusan Stevovic
3 masters venus intervenir ou observer (matt a assumé la moitié du pro-workshop) : Matt, Sabrina, et Mendo
du coup il y avait quand meme du monde dans la salle
j'ai travaillé une semaine avant de partir sur les contenus pour les mettre a jour suite au pro-workshop équatorien et pour traduire les documents d'accompagnement en anglais
une semaine avant le pro-workshop j'ai validé en vol les deux pilotes APPI
matt et sab sont arrivés deux jours avant , ce fut a peine suffisant pour se caler, leur expliquer le pro-workshop et le faire évoluer avec leur vision
le pro-workshop a été comme d'hab un gros morceau, 60 heures de cours en 6 jours plus une demi journée pour les évaluations de fin.
Une enquête de satisfaction a été effectuée auprès des stagiaires, excellent satisfecit sur la qualité de l'enseignement. Point noir, le volume trop conséquent pour eux.
J'ai invité l’aviation civile montenegrine qui a donné le cours sur les espaces aériens, et qui a été assez impressionnée par notre travail. Ils ont repartis avec le manuel du pilote papier sous le bras ainsi que le système éducatif APPI, ça pourrait déboucher sur une reconnaissance de APPI par le montenegro.
Ce qui a manqué : une évaluation sur le terrain de l'instructeur qui veut entrer dans APPI, du coup il a été validé assistant instructor en attendant le terrain.
La conclusion
-c'est assez difficile de faire venir réellement les instructeurs APPI à un pro-workshop de renouvellement de leurs connaissances spontanément.
-c'est lourd en contenus mais une semaine est de toute façon un maxi, impensable d'étaler sur 15 jours
-présence de Mendo était primordiale, on a maintenant dans les balkans un master dont on est sûr des connaissances théoriques et de l'APPI system.
-avec Mat et Sab on a pu échanger, faire avancer le pro-workshop. Suite a ce travail je pense que les contenus sont vraiment calés, il reste a les formaliser.
-des idées sont nées, à creuser
pertinence de cette forme de VAE versus une simple évaluation par examen
faire une évaluation des gars avant le pro-workshop pour avoir un état des lieux de départ
ne pas confondre VAE et formation
garder en perspective a qui on s'adresse et le contexte du pays... ou pas !
Ne pas sous-estimer la barrière de la langue et la différence de culture...
confronter les autres membres de la commission au proworkshop, prendre des decisions, unifier la manière de valider les instructors au niveau de tous les masters.
a ce jour, 7 master, 7 instructeurs et une douzaine de tandem ont suivi le pro-workshop.
8 | in | Colombia | from 1 mar to 10 mar 2014
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
1 | in | Ecuador | from 9 dec to 21 dec 2013 | with Flyecuador
Tandem Pro-Workshop |
12 inscrits tres assidus et motives, une super ambiance,
bilan de debut du workshop: un niveau general tres bon en pratique et a peu pres correct en ce qui concerne la theorie
la premiere partie du workshop consistait en :
validation instructeur nouveaux entrants et remise a niveau des instructeurs et master deja validés dans appi
on a optimise le temps au max et compte tenu de l interactivite du public et des exercices de mise en pratique il a fallu faire plus de temps que prevu
on a fonctionne sur une base de 9 heures par jour pendant 7 jours...
enorme niveau de satisfation des pilotes inscrits qui ont decouvert pas mal de choses tant sur le plan technique que pratique, et des instructeurs qui ont decouvert en plus des motions de peda et quelques outils d aide pour preparer et structurer les seances
le tout traite sous l angle praticopratique avec reference constante aux documents APPI
Je suis pas mecontent de mon cote mais faut bien avouer que le programme etait copieux et du coup c etait a la limite de l overdose. faut que je reflechisse a ca, mais il semble impossible d etaler la session sur 15 jours.... ce qui serait pourtant quasi le minimum . les gars ont deja fait violence pour se liberer une pleine semaine
je pense qu'avant le workshop, les instructeurs et master qui etaient deja valides dans APPI avaient de serieuses lacunes, tant sur le plan theorique que sur le plan pratique en ce qui concerne la formation . leurs competences techniques en tant que pilote sont par contre excellentes
Ca fait reflechir parce que ils font probableemt partie des plus consiencieux parmis les instructeurs ou masters appi actifs, et avec une veritable volonte de se former. ils ont de la litterature, en espagnol, mais sans personne pour expliquer c est parfois difficile de capter. ca c est pour les notions de theorie, quant a celles de peda c est le vide intersideral
Du coup on termine ce workshop en leur ayant donne 70 heures de cours , avec de la pratique dedans, je pense que des graines ont ete semees, ils ont beaucoup progresse et appris, mais il reste quand meme du chemin.
On reste en contacty par internet , ils travaillent des points precis, que ce soit theorique ou organisation de sceance peda.....
phase 2
ensuite on a fait un tournus de 3 sites pour checker sur leur terrain 3 instructeurs locaux qu on a identifie comme validables comme instructeurs dans APPI, donc on est passe les voir bosser en bi et avec leurs eleves, environ 2 jours chacun,
pas mal de bornes a la clef et de temps dans les bus mais du coup on peut les valider instructeurs sans trop de doutes, les bases sont saines.
pour la partie instructeur SIV
bein c etait pas mal qu on passe, jorge duque - le master APPI ecuador - et son frangin santiago avaient une maniere assez originale d organiser et guider les SIV. apport decisif de Jordi Marquillas. je pense qu on leur a donne des billes pour evoluer vers une meilleure organisation.... et remettre en question quelques pratiques folkloriques. rien de mechant, ils sont super concernes par la secu et de ce cote c est plutot pas mal , mais quand on doit tout reinventer c est pas forcement facile. la encore la peda etait assez absente, mais du coup ca change. et le tecniques de guidage radio s ameliorent elles aussi.
bref la encore c etait pas du luxe mais on a du faire vite et compact
resultat du workshop
confirmatiom de jorge duque comme master appi
santiago duque comme instructor SIV
et de juan carlos rios de colombie comme instructeur
validation de 2 nouveaux instructeurs plus un master equatorien qui sera definivement validé dans un certain temps quand il aura digere le workshop et rendu quelques exercices que je lui ai donnes
validation de deux tandem pilots avec leur siv tandem realisé, ainsi que d'un assistant instructeur
plus quelques pilotes APPI