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Master instructor

APPI Master Instructors are experienced instructors who have achieved the highest APPI Instructor ratings. They have a wealth of experience in conducting a wide range of programs and courses. Master Instructors are committed to the development of APPI educational system. They influence changes to APPI programs and standards.


To apply for the Master Instructor rating, an APPI instructor must: Use APPI as main certification system for his students. Have instructed and certified at least 15 students as APPI 3 Pilots.


Candidates -attend at least one tandem and one instructor pro-workshop or pro-course as observer. -developp their own written syllabus for tandem and instructor Pro-workshop or pro-course. -get involved as part of the education team of at least one tandem and one instructor pro-workshop or pro-course which they partly give. -get involved in at least 5 APPI Instructor qualifications.


In order to access to master qualification, candidates must have an APPI master supporting them, that certifies: -They are able to give a pro-workshop or an instructor course (deep theoretical knowledge in a wide range of fields, super clear explanations). -They have mastered how to validate pro levels according to APPI procedures and standards. -They are able to make an instructor progress in the elaboration of their sessions (pedagogy and safety) using the APPI tools. -They are committed in the development of APPI education system.


With the support of an APPI master, they will apply to the education committee with a letter where he will explain what is their project for APPI. In this letter they will commit to be: Straight forward and impartial incorruptible, Above personal fellowship/enmity, local business control and power struggle considerations. Decision is taken by vote of the education committee


Be the person in charge of tandem and instructor pro-workshop or pro-course, validation of assistant instructor, validation pro tandem pilot and instructor with another instructor or master. APPI kindly advises its instructors to include APPI membership in the cost of their courses and to affiliate their students. By doing so, students will have full access to course materials, and it will help the development of the APPI association.


Master instructor rating is obtained by vote of the education committee. APPI master instructors must: Register their student in APPI system (if not, student is not covered by your instructor’s insurance), Give an APPI logbook to your student, Gliders used for school should be in good state and adapted to student’s skills and morphology, Contract a third party liability pro insurance if available, Inform student about benefits to contract a liability insurance and risks to fly without (if applies), Validate student qualifications according to APPI standards, Report in APPI system any accident when involved or student involved, Respect rules and regulations of the countries they are flying and teaching (working laws), Act in an exemplary manner (value of example), Provide a free welcome visit to any APPI pilot. APPI certification awarded to a pilot is internal to the APPI organization and shows no particular right in the country where the activity is done unless APPI certification is recognized by local authorities. Check with them if such an agreement exists.