Safety information: Carbon fiber seat plate inspection
12 October 2021 | paragliding Speed Riding winch Technician powered paragliding paratrike

  1. What is the purpose of this safety warning?
    We have noticed that a few pilots have been unknowingly flying with bro- ken or damaged carbon fiber seat plates, due to wear and tear, impacts, etc... Carbon fiber is very abrasive sharp; it could injure the pilot or abrade/ cut/damage the webbing and overall harness structural integrity.
  2. Which product models could be affected ?
    All harness models equipped or accepting carbon fiber seat plates.
  3. What should I do ?
    Check and inspect carefully your carbon fiber seat plate for damage once every 50 flights or once a year.
    If the seat plate is damage in any way, it must be replaced immediately.
    If the harness webbing is frayed or damaged in any way, it is imperative to contact your local Sup’Air dealer for advice prior using your harness again.

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