Tandem Course
Created by : Asterios Makrovasilis 10724Country : Greece
School : Olympic Wings
from 19 Nov. to 28 Nov. 2017
Pro-course Tandem and InstructorAPPI Non-commercial Tandem Pilot – tandem introduction level
APPI Pro Tandem Pilot
APPI Assistant Instructor
APPI Instructor
pilot courses
validation into APPI system
upgrade your APPI level
Join the APPI family – here is what you get in our workshop:
fresh, modern & up-to-date paragliding knowledge & experience
APPI membership & license
paragliding insurance for European citizens worldwide
access to APPI webbased knowledge and community resources
Intended audience
1/ Main audience : Experienced Pilots: Learn Tandem Operation
address : N.Panteleimonas ,60065 Pieria Olympus