tandem proworkshop dedicado a pilotos bipla experimentados dictado en castellano
Intended audience
1/ Main audience : Experienced Tandem Pilots: Evaluation & Tandem Certification
Specific information for this classInfo , informe para los participantes biplaceros experimentados. Price500 EuroRating proposedNon commercial tandem Pro tandem
To register
Required documents Video Of Practical Skills - Paraglider : Edit a video of your flying skills in solo flight. Upload here👆 a video of your flying skills in solo flight. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Take as an example this application video here 👉 Document Required ratings First Aid Certificate : 👈 Upload here a picture of your first aid certificate (less than two years old). Advanced Siv Proof : You are not advanced SIV certified in APPI, two options: 1: contact the workshop's staff that will propose you an option. 2: Upload here👆 a video of you performing the advanced SIV maneuvers. Check the instructions here 👉 Document Take as an example this application video here 👉 Document Required exams or tests Evaluation Proto take APPI System Tandemto take