Tandem Pro-Workshop
Created by : Alain Zoller 11079Country : Greece
School : Olympic Wings
from 23 April to 28 April 2016
SIV instructor workshop & SIV pilot training course.SHV and APPI course certification.
Come & join our Flying Safari South Greece to fly with us in the best areas of Peloponese & Delphi directly after the SIV workshop with Alain Zoller – just enjoy and fly!
The SIV instructor workshop aimes for paragliding instructors to learn how to instruct SIV.
This workshop will teach you the professional techniques and method, you will improve your abilities to instruct your students with SIV.
For more infos, click here.
Intended audience
1/ Main audience : Experienced Tandem Pilots: Evaluation & Tandem Certification
address : Pieria