Tandem Pro-Workshop
Created by : Manu Bonte 10914Country : Greece
School : Olympic Wings
from 6 June to 12 June 2015
Theory course for paragliding pilots, tandem pilots & instructors pro-workshopIn collaboration with Stelios Makrovassilis, APPI instructor.
Language: English.
Planning: 7 days
- Workshop I for pilots: 80 Euros, 3 days theory
- Workshop II for tandem pilots: 180 Euros, 5 days with practical validation
- Workshop III for instructors: 280 Euros, 7 days theory plus 1-2 days pratical validation
Included: Organisation of workshop and courses, pedagogical material, written and electronic documents
Accommodation: info@olympicwings.gr.
More information and registration: info@olympicwings.gr and manubonte1@gmail.com.
Intended audience
1/ Main audience : Experienced Tandem Pilots: Evaluation & Tandem Certification
address : Sikaminea, Mount Olympus area