Tandem Pro-Workshop
Created by : Alex Ledger 10133
Country : Greece
School : Olympic Wings
from 19 March to 26 March 2017
A 6 day APPI PPG intensive course for paramotor & trike - pilots and instructors - for the evaluation and validation of their level of knowledge and practice. The course will be implemented by examining the current theory and practical techniques within a standarized framework.
The paramotor & trike pilots and instructors to participate successfully in the course can qualify for the APPI PPG Education System pilot and instructor ratings by equivalence.
Most important, by following the course structure of powered paragliding in theory and in flight - through targeted lectures and actual simulations - the participants will attain a clear technical understanding as much as a thorough and complete knowledge base.

For booking details & information contact:
Olympic Wings - Paragliding School & Center in Greece
Email: info@olympicwings.com – Tel. 0030-23520-41741
Intended audience
1/ Main audience : Experienced Tandem Pilots: Evaluation & Tandem Certification

address : Olympus the Aegean Coastline